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Ask for Support Support

Just have something you can not understand or wish the XOWComics.com site could do? This is the place.

Ask for support and we will hopefully get back to you quickly with an answer. We especially like receiving requests for additional functionality to add to the XOWComics.com web site to help you in your comic book collecting needs.

Report Bug Report Bug

Fine, the site is just plain not working. Something functinally is broken and it has irked you immeasurably.

Submit a bug report and let us know how you really feel about it. And, while you're at it, do describe the problem in as much detail as possible so we can feel the same annoyance and frustration you have felt.

Review Site Review

We wish it was really simple to please everyone. But, like making a perfect quiche, it just never turns out that way every time.

In case we happened to get lucky with you and have successfully fulfilled your needs and expectations, we do actually want to hear about it. Getting one of these every month or so will actually give us a good day, every month or so that is.

And, if we have failed miserably in this regard, we want to hear it also. This plethora of dissatisfaction is actually what we can use then to make the XOWComics.com site better for you, at least better for the next guy, that is.

Business Relations

Yeah, well, this stuff is not free. And, if you are even reading this, you know that we all have to make money somehow.

We are as interested as the next guy to increase profits as morally acceptably as we can. Contact our business relations department so we can see how we can grow our business with you, as we want to hear how we can work with you to help us all profit.

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