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Create Account

Instructions to Make Your Own Free Account

Screenshot A sample of the form used to create an XOWComics.com account is shown to the right.

With your free XOWComics.com account, you open up the full set of features available to all users of XOWComics.com. You can easily create and maintain comics in your collection, basically your "Haves" list. You can also just as easily maintain a list of comics that you want, your "Wants" list. Tracking all of your comics includes features for purchase price, purchase date, condition, and notes for every single comic in your collection. Features in the XOWComics.com site allow you to view a gallery of Issue Images for your collection, organize the individual comics into your own list of boxes, even download Excel spreadsheets of your My Haves and My Wants lists.

Within the XOWComics.com site itself, account holders can customize the behavior of the XOWComics.com site directly to fit your own preferences. Custom sorting options on listing pages and Favorite Pages for your most visited pages within the site are just a couple of the additional features available to you with your free XOWComics.com account.

The form displayed to the right is all that must be completed to create your free XOWComics.com account.

All of the items marked in red must be completed. Caoitalization, spaces, foreign characters, etc., are all valid within the entereable areas on the form.

Usernames within the site are unique across all users; the site will tell you if you try to create your account with a username that is already taken.

We ask for your password and email address twice so we make certain there are no mistakes or typos when they are entered. Again, if both copies of each enterable area do not make, the site will tell you of it when you submit the form.

Your date of birth must be entered in the format 'YYYY.MM.DD'; this means entering the full four digits for the year, and two digits each for the month and day (use preceeding zeroes for each of the latter pair, if needed).

For your birth date, you can either type the value into the enterable area. Or, you can use the special calendar available by clicking on the small calendar icon to the right of the enterable area for your birth date.

The captcha image and enterable captcha phrase areas of the form are there mainly to weed out some of the nasty automated systems that exist online. You can change the captcha image for another at any time in case you have a problem reading it exactly. And, you can even play the phrase audibly to aid in your entering it correctly.

Once the form is completed and submitted, an email confirmation will be sent to you containing a unique URL for you to follow to activate your account.

Literally, the process takes no more than a minute to be fully active.

At any time, you can access of the features of the XOWComics.com site for free: Create Account .

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