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My Haves

Screenshot Pictured in the screen shot to the right is a sample from the My Haves page. Essentially, this page shows in a standard Listing Pages format all of the Issues you have on any My Haves list; if you have multiple copies of the same Issue, only one line is shown per Issue on this page.

The pagination bar is standard for Listing Pages with all of the expected controls you should already be familiar with from throughout the XOWComics.com site. On the right side of the pagination bar are two additional icons. The first is for showing the Issue Image for each Issue listed; it loads another version of the My Haves page that shows a cover gallery for all of the Issues on any My Haves list. The second is a direct link to download an Excel document containing all of the Issues on any My Haves list.

On the left side of the pagination bar is the Expand icon. This is a link to another view of the My Haves page: the My Comic Haves page. The My Comic Haves page shows a separate line for every copy of every Issue you have on My Haves .

My Comic Haves

Screenshot Pictured to the left is a screen shot of the My Comic Haves page. You can see this is where all of the individual details for each copy of each Issue you have on My Haves can be viewed.

The pagination bar here contains again all of the standard controls you would expect for a Listing Pages . The Collapse icon merely takes you back to the My Haves page. On the far right is the Select Group icon which takes you to another page to select individual items from this listing to work with on the Edit My Comic Haves page.

The listing of comics itself is quite self-explanatory. The columns of information are what you would expect to see to identify each individual Issue you have placed on any My Haves list. The columns for "Condition", "Purchase Date", "Purchase Price", "Box Title" and "Notes" are unique to any My Haves list. These are particular pieces of information you can set yourself for each copy of each Issue on any My Haves list.

The "pencil" icon in the listing is used to control and set the values of each of these additional columns on any My Haves list. They help you specify particular attributes you have for Issues you have in your collection. Obviously, this information is displayed anywhere you can view any My Haves list. This includes when you download a copy of any My Haves list.

In the column headers for these extra columns are Edit Group icons (the folder with a pencil). These tools allow you to edit the value for each specific column for every copy of every Issues currently being displayed on the page (not every Issue on any My Haves list). Though you can set default values for these fields when adding Issues to any My Haves list using My Collection Preferences , there will inevitably be times when you want to update many Issues on any My Haves list all at one time. This is the purpose of the Edit Group tools on this page, obviously.

Edit My Comic Haves

Screenshot Pictured to the right is a screen shot of the Edit My Comic Haves page. This page is used to select individual copies of Issues on any My Haves list to apply changes to.

The pagination bar here contains again all of the standard controls you would expect for a Listing Pages . The Collapse icon merely takes you back to the My Haves page. On the left is the Edit Group icon which takes you back to the My Comic Haves page.

The "pencil" icon in the listing is used to control and set the values of each of these additional columns on any My Haves list. They help you specify particular attributes you have for Issues you have in your collection. Obviously, this information is displayed anywhere you can view any My Haves list. This includes when you download a copy of any My Haves list.

The left column for "Select..." contains checkboxes for selecting individual comics to work with. The column header itself is a rollover menu with additional tools to help select many rows in a single action. With the individual row selections of clicking on checkboxes and the tools in the rollover menu you can very quickly select any combination of rows currently displayed.

In the column headers for these extra columns are Edit Selected icons (the folder with a pencil and a checkbox). These tools allow you to edit the value for each specific column for every selected (checked) copy of every Issues currently being displayed on the page (not every Issue on any My Haves list). Though you can set default values for these fields when adding Issues to any My Haves list using My Collection Preferences , there will inevitably be times when you want to update many Issues on any My Haves list all at one time. This is the purpose of the Edit Selected tools on this page, obviously.

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