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Icon Legend

For Public Use

The following icons are available throughout the site for all users. They may be presented on individual page regardless of whether you are logged into your XOWComics.com account or not. They aid significantly in the functionality and navigation of the site.

This icon is available on the far left of the main navigation bar of every page. The icon itself will take you to the Site Map page when clicked. It also acts as a rollover menu when pointed to show you the list of pages followed from the home page to your current location in the site; this is also known as a list of navigation crumbs for the site.
These disclosure widgets are shown when additional data can be displayed. The first is "open", meaning the additional data is already displayed; the second is "closed", meaning clicking on it will display the additional data. The disclosure widgets are used to save space in the interface on different pages, making data that is less commonly used available directly by use of this interface. When black, it means there could be data available for the item on the page though there currently is none entered for the item being displayed.
Available on any Listing Page that has been paginated (data rolls over to multiple display page), these will take you to the previous or next page of data.

Also available on the Issue Detail and Cover Detail pages to take you to the previous or next Issue in the Series.
Available on the Issue Detail and Cover Detail pages, these will take you to the previous or next Issue Variant in the Series.
Available in the title and sorting bar on some Listing Pages, these take you to another view of the items listed with different columns of data displayed.
These icons will expand or collapse a listing of items. For instance, when showing a listing of all Issues with individual Issue Variants in a Series, these would expand or collapse the listing to only show Isssues (without any Issue Variants) in the Series.

For logged in users, these are also used as links between the My Comic Haves and My Haves pages, thereby expnding and collapsing the view from one row for each individual comic book in your collection to a single row for each issue of a comic you have in your collection.
Used throughout the site where a list of comic book issues is displayed, this icon pops open a window showing you the Issue Images (i.e. covers) for the current issue. If there are multiple Issue Images available, navigation controls will be available to allow you to page thru the individual Issue Images that are available for viewing.
Available on many comic book issue listing pages, this icon links to a version of the same page with a Issue Image displayed for each issue in the listing which Issue Images are available for (a cover gallery, per se). If multiple Issue Images for an issue are available, only one will be displayed and a note indicating how many images are available will be displayed. If no Issue Image is available for an issue, the display will indicate so.
This icon is available on various pages throughout the site. It will always display a rollover menu when pointed at displaying additional options to control the display and options on the page itself. When logged into your XOWComics.com account, it provides access to tools to edit the actual data within the site.
This icon is available on the Issue Detail, List Content Items page. When pointed at, a rollover menu is shown allowing you to jump to any Content Item on the page. Options in the menu also allow you to jump to the top or bottom of the page.
Available on the Issue Detail Cover Detail pages, these icons will show smaller and larger copies of the Issue Images.
This icon provides access to more information about the item it is nearest. On Detail pages (towards the upper-right of the detail area), point at this icon to display a menu of items containing more information about the item on the page you are viewing. For Issue Images in particular, it either takes you to the creator information on the current page or displays the creator information for Issue Image directly.
This icon is used for direct linking to Help pages that provide details about the applicable item. Clicking this icon will open a new browser winder and display the applicable help page for viewing.
This icon is used to allow for direct linking to a glossary entry in the Help section of the XOWComics.com web site. This icon will not take you to a new page but display a window sheet showing you the definition of the term which you click on with the icon.
This icon is available next to every link within the site that goes outside of the XOWComics.com site. This makes it easier to identify items of interest to comic book collectors and enthusiasts and understanding immediately if following the link to the information will take you outside the XOWComics.com site. Such links will always open the link in a new browser window for you so you do not "lose your place" in the XOWComics.com site.

Icon Legend

For Account Holders

The following icons are available throughout the site for users that have logged into their XOWComics.com account. Primarily, these icons aid in the management and navigation of My Collection, the listing of individual comic book issues you have set in the site as either in My Haves (comics books you have in your collection) or My Wants (comic books you want in your collection).

A complete history of your searches within the XOWComics.com site are available from this icon in the navigation bar. The icon itself is a rollover menu of the most recent searches you ran in reverse chronological order. Clicking on the icon itself will take you to a listing page showing all of your searches.
Any page within the site can be added to your own list of Favorite page. Use this rollover menu to add the current page to your list of favorites, manage your favorites, or select any of your existing favorite pages to navigate to with just one click. Renaming your favorites can be done in the My Account section of the site.
Submitting a bug report is probably the most useful type of feedback we can receive from you. No matter how hard we try and how organized we may be in our development and testing processes, it is inevitable that bugs will still get through. Letting us know about bugs helps us identify the causes much more quickly, allowing us to fix these problems that much more promptly for everyone to benefit from. This icon shows in the navigation bar on every page for easy access to the bug report page, opening a new window for the bug report to be made.
If you have a question about how something works or what something means, this is where you go. This icon is available in the navigation bar at the top of every page whenever you are logged into your XOWComics.com account.
We always want to know what you think about the site, good or bad. This is where you can submit such site reviews to us. In other words, this is what to look for when you want to "give us a piece of your mind". This icon is available in the navigation bar at the top of every page whenever you are logged into your XOWComics.com account.
This icon is available in the navigation bar to all users when they are logged into their XOWComics.com account. It takes the user directly to a form to apply to become an editor.
This icon is available on the Issue Detail, List Content Items pages. It is used to upload additional Issue Image documents into the site.
This icon is available at all times in the navigation bar when logged into your XOWComics.com account. It takes you to a form to recommend the XOWComcis.com site to a friend, allowing you to enter a custom message to be included with the recommendation.
Shown next to data when there is a Submitted Change that is pending approval (it has not been reviewed yet). Clicking on the icon will show the actual data change that was submitted.
This icon is available next to items that a user can make a public notation about. Usually, these notations are meant as indicators to the volunteer editors or staff managing the XOWComics.com site that there is a correction needed for the item in question. On the My Change Log page, this icon is also available to view and make notes about individual changes you have submitted to the site (e.g. uploaded Issue Images).
These icons are used in My Collection to indicate notes for an item. The colored icon indicates a note for the item is present. Notes are available for every item in My Collection for both My Have and My Wants.
This icon allows for the selection of the wallpaper to use on every page of the site when logged into your XOWComics.com. The 'wallpaper' is the background color or image of every page. You can select the color to use on the Change Display Options page in My Account. You can select any Issue Image for your wallpaper using this tool on any Issue Detail and Issue Image Detail page.
Displayed wherever tools and functionality to work with item in My Collection are available (note: still "spreading" the usage of this icon throughout the site).
Available on all of the My Collection pages, for both My Haves and My Wants lists, this icon makes available a downloadable Excel (XLS, tab delimited document) with all of the items you have marked for My Collection.
These are used to indicate individual Issues which are marked on a My Wants list in My Collection and it is used throughout the site where individual Issues are listed and displayed.
Used to change how many individual copies of an Issue are on the any My Haves list of My Collection. With these controls, the number of copies you own of individual Issues can be tracked in My Collection.
To edit the details of an individual comic on any My Haves list and any My Wants list of My Collection, this icon is available; it can be accessed from the My Comic Haves and My Wants pages. Customized settings for each comic you own and want can be set from a special window accessible with this icon on these pages.
To edit the details of all comics on My Haves and My Wants lists of My Collection displayed on the current page, this icon is available; it can be accessed from the My Comic Haves and My Wants pages. Customized settings for each comic displayed can be set from a special window accessible with this icon on these pages.
The Select Group icon is available when another page is available for selecting from a list of items for editing. Most notably, this icon is available on the My Comic Haves and My Wants pages for working with particular items selected on these lists.

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