Also in the box are "JANUARY, 1937" and "VOL.1 NO. 12", "MALCOLM WHEELER-NICHOLSON Editor and Publisher; VINCENT A. SULLIVAN F. WHITNEY ELLSWORTH Associate Editors", and then in tiny print: "Published monthly by Nicholson Publishing Co., Inc., 420 De Soto Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Editorial Office, 373 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. Entered as second class matter at post-office, St. Louis, Mo., under the act of March 1, 1873. Subscription rates: 12 issues in the United States, its possessions, and Mexico, South America and Spain--$1.00; elsewhere, $2.00. Single copies 10 cents (in Canada, 15 cents.) The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited drawings or manuscripts, although due care will be exercised in handling them. All drawings and manuscripts must be accompanied by sufficient postage for their return. Contents of this magazine may not be reprinted without the permission of the publisher. Printed in U. S. A. Copyright 1937, Nicholson Publishing Co, Inc. For advertising rates, address GILMAN, NICOLL & RUTHMAN, Detroit--New Center Bldg., San Francisco--525 Market St., New York--19 West 44th St., Chicago--400 N. Michigan Ave., Philadelphia--1016 N. 64th St., Boston--18 Tremont St., Seattle--1326 Fifth Ave."
On sale date from the publication date found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1937, New Series, Volume 32, Number 1. Second class permit. Copyright number 323431. Submitted as "New Comics" to the Copyright Office.