The publisher name or date is not listed in the comic itself. The date is an estimate based on the advertisements for the comic book.
Max C. Gaines' is known to have been the publisher of this comic book as a premium giveaway with the purchase of a 25 cents Phillip's Dental Magnesia. The premium was probably promoted on the Phillip's Dental Magnesia sponsored radio program, Big Hollywood Show, Sunday nights on the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) network.
Earliest known reference to this comic book appears in a Read's Drug Store advertisement for Phillip's Dental Magnesia in The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland) on May 30, 1934 (on page 5) with a formal Phillip's Dental Magnesia advertisement appearing in numerous newspapers starting June 12th and continuing through the rest of the month. With the last strip date reprinted from the end of April 1934, this makes May 1934 the probable publication date.
At the bottom right of the last Skippy comic reprint page is a printed Union Label indicating the printing of these pages was done by Union printers. The label is the Allied Printing Trades Council Union Label for a union printer in Baltimore, Maryland, Local #15.
Much of Skippy's supporting characters in this publication are not identified and Crosby's art style makes many of them look similar. It is possible some characters are misidentified.