- there is new indicia
- the entire issue, except for the color cover, is in black and white
- three sequences are missing (Fire Over Benghazi, Wun Wing Spin, and a PSA)
- there is a "Remember When" #9 ad between "The Bald Eagle" and "The Flying Dutchman" stories
- the inside back cover is a "Howard G. Rogofsky" ad (Comic Sales)
- the back cover is an ad for "OL' TIME RADIO in the form of REEL to REEL or CASSETTE" from "REMEMBER RADIO, INC."
The indicia publisher is Nostalgia, Inc. (P.O. Box 34305, Dallas, Texas, 75234). There is no mention of it being an issue of Comic Reprints in the indicia. However, it definitely is an issue from the Comic Reprints series; it is advertised as such in the in-house ads in issues [8] – [11] and in the “NOTES FROM A COMIC BOOK FREAK” editorial in “The Best of…Captain Marvel”. It was obviously released before the final series name was decided upon.
***There is no cover price on this comic except for the original 10 cents. The price was given as:
"$2.00 each" in the indicia. Later it was priced at $3.00 or 3 for $8.00 or 6 for $15.00 or 9 for $24.00 in the in-house ads in [8] – [11] and in the editorial in "The Best of… Captain Marvel".