According to Goldberg's memoir in Robin Snyder's The Comics, Vol 14, no 1, January 2003, Modeling with Millie #8 was the last issue he worked on, but there is no such issue so he probably meant Mad About Millie #8. His website says he left Marvel in 1968, but since he is credited with interior stories all the way to Mad About Millie #16 (November 1970), perhaps he was incorrect about both the issue and the date. The fact that his first definite DC work is in Date with Debbi #13 (January-February 1971) seems to back this up. It should be noted that starting in issue #10 the stories have job numbers (#1-9 stories do not), the art does not look to be the same artist as in #1-9 (minor characters do not look like Goldberg's style and the backgrounds are essentially blank spaces), and even the "Stan G." signature looks a little different. On-sale date from 1970 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress with a correction factor of plus 28 days.