Leon Harvey (credited); Sid Jacobson (actual)
INDICIA: "Hot Stuff, The Little Devil, September, 1961, Volume 1, Number 39, is published monthly by Illustrated Humor, Inc., at Sparta, Illinois. Editorial, advertising and executive offices, 1860 Broadway, New York 23, New York. President, Alfred Harvey; Vice-President and Editor, Leon Harvey; Vice-President and Business Manager, Richard B. Harvey. Second-Class postage paid at Sparta, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates, 10 issues for $1.50, U.S. and possessions only. All names in this periodical are entirely fictitious and no identification with actual persons is intended. Copyright 1961, by Harvey Features Syndicate, New York, N.Y. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved." On-sale date from 1961 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.