Indicia: LOVER’S [sic] LANE is published bi-monthly by LEV GLEASON PUBLICATIONS, INC., 114 E. 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y. Hannah Schreiberg, Business Manager, E.A. Piller, Advertising Director. Editorial, advertising and business offices at 114 E. 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y. Entry as second class matter pending at the post office at New York, N.Y. Additional entry pending at Meriden, Conn. Single copy 10c; yearly subscription in U.S., 60c. Copyright, 1950, by LEV GLEASON PUBLICATIONS, INC. Printed in U.S.A. June, 1950. Vol. 1, No. 5. The Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Manuscripts accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelopes will be returned.