Printed in U.S.A.
Distributed by American News Company, address given 131 Varick Street, New York, New York.
On sale month and day from arrival date penciled on known copy. Comic undated. On sale date of December 15, 1942 pretty much confirmed from Famous Funnies (Eastern Color, 1934 series) #102 feature, Let's Get into a Huddle, which mentions it is now available for purchase. Famous Funnies #102 also had a reported on sale date of December 15, 1942.
Famous Funnies #101 had a promotional advertisement for Buck Rogers (Eastern Color, 1940 series) #5, Big Chief Wahoo (Eastern Color, 1942 series) #2, and Dickie Dare (Eastern Color, 1941 series) #4 implying all released near the same time. Issue #102 stated all three were available to purchase.
Dialogue rewritten and simplified on both Buck Rogers and Skyroads strips. On Buck Rogers reprints, tabloid size reprinted, including wider left side panels which are sometimes trimmed for newspaper publication.