LI'L ABNER COMICS, January 1949, Volume 2, No. 68, (Issue 8) is published every month, February through October, monthly December and January by HARVEY ENTERPRISES,INC., at 420 DeSoto Avenue, St Louis 7, Mo. Editorial, Executive and Advertising Offices, 1860 Broadway New York 23, N.Y. President Alfred Harvey; Editor Leon Harvey, Entered as second class matter Sept 30, 1947 at the Post Office at St. Louis Mo. under the act of March 3, 1879. Single copies, 10 cents. Subscription rates, 10 issues for $1.00 in U.S. and possessions; elsewhere $1.50. All names in this periodical are entirely fictitious and no identification with actual persons is intended. Entire contents copyrighted 1948 by the United Features Syndicate, Inc., New York City, T.M Reg, U.S. Pat. Off. Printed in the U.S.A.