Indicia: ALL TRUE ROMANCE Vol. 1, No. 30, July, 1957. Published bi-monthly by Four Star Comic Corp., 540 Park Ave., New York 21, N.Y. Publisher, Robert W. Farrell; Editor, Ruth Roche; Art Editor, S. M. Iger. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, New York, N.Y. on March 19, 1952, under Act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at Holyoke, Mass. Subscription in the United States and its possessions, 10 issues, $1.00, single copies 10ยข. All names in this periodical are entirely fictitious. Advertising Representative, Dave Geller, 31 W. 47 St., N.Y.C. Entire contents copyrighted 1957. Printed in the U.S.A.