The inside back cover of this issue, at the top of the page, reads "special thanks (the preceding was in large, bold print but in lower case) GOES TO MR. MARTIN GOODMAN, FOR HIS KINDNESS IN PERMITTING DYNAPUBS TO REPRINT THIS GOLDEN AGE CLASSIC FOR ALL OF FANDOM TO ENJOY!”". At the bottom of the page was the indicia that stated that FLASHBACK was intended to be a quarterly publication. The company producing the issue was "DynaPubs Enterprises/RR #1 Box #297/ East Moline, IL 61244. Publisher: Alan L. Light". The price was "$2.00 per copy" for this issue.
An ad from The Buyer's Guide for Comic Fandom #6 (August(?) 1971) gives these interesting additions to the history of this issue. “FLASHBACK #2 is a reprinting of the HUMAN TORCH BATTLE ISSUE (#5), the complete 60-page classic printed the actual size of the original comic!". It claims that "Each page has been screened for absolute accuracy, and the reproduction is perfect (no flaws!)". This last statement was not totally true, but it was a good reproduction given the (then) current reproduction means.