Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
Avengers [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Wonder Man; Vision; Scarlet Witch; Iron Man [Tony Stark]]; Beast; Black Panther; Angel; Vanguard; Wolverine; Thing; Peregrine; Sasquatch; Blitzkrieg; Storm; Shamrock; Collective Man; Daredevil; She-Hulk; Captain Britain; Darkstar; Talisman; Defensor; Sabra; Arabian Knight; Iron Fist; Sunfire; Invisible Girl; Collector (restored to life); Grandmaster (Death but later Resurrected); Death; American Eagle; Blue Shield; Shooting Star; Quasar; Union Jack; Hulk
The third contest takes place between Thing, Wolverine and Peregrine (Grandmaster's team) versus Black Panther, Angel and Vanguard (Unknown's team). The Thing wins. The fourth contest takes place between Captain America, Sasquatch and Blitzkrieg (Grandmaster's team) and Storm, Shamrock and Collective Man (Unknown's team). Shamrock wins for the Grandmaster (See note below). Grandmaster is declared the winner and the Unknown, who is revealed to be Death, uses the Golden Globe of Life to resurrect the Collector but she uses the Grandmaster's life force to do so. The heroes are returned to Earth.
Reprint Notes:
With the final contest looming, the score stands Grandmaster-2 The Unknown-1. Shamrock triumphs in the last conflict and the Grandmaster is declared the winner for the final part of the story. The only problem is that Shamrock was on The Unknown's team which would have made the battles tied.