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Issue: The Human Torch #2
Publication Date: January 1978
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagYaffa / Page
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
On Sale Date: (not set)
Pages: 60
Price: $0.60 AUD
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Content Items: 11 (6 stories, 1 cover)
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Colour cover; Black and White interior
Dimensions: Standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: Newsprint
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Paste Pot Pete!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Paste-Pot Pete; Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Miss March 1975

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Don't miss the latest exploits of Mr. Fantastic Invisible Girl, Human Torxh and Thing... [sic]
The Human Torch Meets Paste-Pot Pete!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Paste-Pot Pete [Peter Petruski] (introduction)
Human Torch stops Paste-Pot Pete from stealing an experimental missile from the military.
Paste-Pot Pete next appears in issue #110 (July 1963). Pete became The Trapster in Fantastic Four (Marvel, 1961 series) #38 (May 1965). This is the first time a villain in this series escaped at the end. A genuine animosity seems to have developed very quickly, perhaps as a result of such a "ridiculous" looking baddie almost killing Johnny during their fight. Don Simpson paid tribute to Pete (and Spider-Man) with his character "The Slick" in Bizarre Heroes.
The World's End

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro [Thomas Raymond]; Stella Marko; Professor Marko (villain) (introduction, death); Gorodok (introduction, death)
A communist spy convinces Professor Marko to use a vacuum built on top of an observatory to suck in all the world's air in a bid for world domination. Torch and Toro put a stop his plans.
Job number from Tom Lammers and Ger Apeldoorn via the Atlas/Timely discussion group.

Inks credit from the Atlas tales website, original indexer credited Dick Ayers for inks.

Script credit determined through textual analysis by Lou Mougin.
Wrath of the Wizard!

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Wizard
Kane & Milgrom credits per Nick Caputo Aug 2007. Original indexer credited Larry Lieber and Frank Giacoia. Pablo Marcos suggested by Henry Kujawa Aug 2007.
"The Return of the Wizard!"

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Wizard; Invisible Girl [Sue Storm]; Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards] (cameo); Thing [Ben Grimm] (cameo)
In prison, The Wizard becomes a model prisoner-- just so he can become a trustee, work in the hospital, have access to chemicals... and break jail! The police soon have him surrounded in his house, but can't get in because of its defenses. He challenges the Torch to a battle to decide who is the better man. Against Sue's advice Johnny accepts the challenge, and he does pretty well until Sue shows up to "help" him (again!). Thanks to her, he's caught, and both are almost killed in a bomb blast. But Johnny manages to free them both, getr rid of the bomb, and corral the "superior intellect."
Second appearance of The Wizard. First time a "Human Torch" villain returned; Wizard would go on to a very long career, mostly with "The Frightful Four." Next appearance in STRANGE TALES #110 (July 1963), where he teams with Paste-Pot Pete for the 1st time. Wizard resembles actor Vincent Price; also resembles actor Ron Perlman (who was not around back then-- see page 9 panel 2). Credits moved on splash to accomodate reprint info. Page numbers removed. Panel 5 of page 12 & panels 2-6 of page 13 cut; Johnny's pointing out that Sue almost got him killed missing from the reprint as a result!
"In Korea!"

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Original Human Torch
Original Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro; Colonel Kung (Red spy) (Intro)
The Torch and Toro fight Communists in North Korea to rescue a US General & his daughter and prevent the secret of an "atomic cannon" from falling into Red hands.
"The Original" added to reprint splash to distinguish story from lead feature. Inks credit and job number from the Atlas tales website, original indexer credited Dick Ayers for inks.
The Threat of the Torrid Twosome!

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; The Acrobat [Carl Zante]; Invisible Girl [Sue Storm]; Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards]; Thing [Ben Grimm]
Carl Zante, known as "The World's Greatest Acrobat" in the story, is never actually referred to as "The Acrobat" except on this cover and in the sequel in Strange Tales #114 (November 1963).
The Threat of the Torrid Twosome

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Carl Zante [Acrobat] (introduction); Invisible Girl [Sue Storm]; Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards]; Thing [Ben Grimm]; Miracle Man (flashback); Sub-Mariner (flashback); Dr. Doom (flashback)
Carl Zante, "The world's greatest acrobat", visits Sue, seeking the Human Torch. Johnny wonders how Zante knew his identity; the acrobat tells him everyone knows he is the Torch. Sue explains that Glenville residents left him alone because they assumed he valued his privacy. Zante tries to convince Johnny that he is the FF's most valuable member and persuades him to join him in fighting crime. In actuality Zante only wants Johnny to help him rob a bank. With a little help from his partners, Johnny nabs Zante, explaining he suspected Zante all along but wanted to uncover his scheme.
First appearance of Carl Zante ("The World's Greatest Acrobat"). Zante returned in Strange Tales #114 (November 1963). First appearance of Johnny's obstacle training course. Last story in which Johnny worries about having a secret identity. Splash page reformatted with art added, "Stan Lee presents" added, and page numbers removed for this reprint.
Flame On!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Original Human Torch
Human Torch [Jim Hammond]; Toro; Captain Fred Jory (introduction, US Air Force jet pilot); Colonel Frost; Lotty Frost; The Communists (villains)
Air Force pilot Fred Jory nearly crashes his jet into the heart of New York due to an empty fuel tank (and a death-wish) but is saved by The Torch and Toro. Jory reveals he's a coward and will never be able to marry his girl Lotty, the daughter of Colonel Frost. The Torch promises to help build his confidence up. Later Frost is at the mercy of Communist spies who steal a Super-Jet and kidnap Lotty. The Torch and Jory pursue them and bring both back safely. When the spies strike again Jory lashes out and only afterwards realizes he's beaten the spies, this time without help.
"The Original" added to reprint splash to distinguish story from lead feature. Inks credit and job number from the Atlas tales website, original indexer credited Dick Ayers for inks.

Final story page is on the inside back cover.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
?; typeset
Subject Matter
New! Look for this exciting adventure at your newsagent! Two-Gun Kid
House ad for Two-Gun Kid (Yaffa/Page, 1978 series) #1.

Image is from the cover of Two-Gun Kid (Marvel, 1953 series) #101. Black & white with grey ton.es

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