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Issue: New Funnies #67
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDell
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
On Sale Date: 08/01/1942
Volume: 1
Pages: 68
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 14 (11 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: The on-sale date is from the publication date recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1942, New Series, Vol. 37, No. 3.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Full Color
Dimensions: Standard Format
Paper Stock: Newsprint
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Format Notes:  
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Andy Panda; Raggedy Ann; Raggedy Andy
Too Mechanical

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Peter's youngest; radio shop proprietor; Bosco (Mr. Wizard, knows all sees all)
His youngest takes on a new mechanical job...
His youngest takes on a new mechanical job, but proves he is a bit too mechanical to hold it down.
Sunday newspaper strip reprint, reformatted for comic books.
•Copyright: "© 1941 - N.Y. Tribune Inc." (second panel of bottom tier)
•Episode: "Nov 23" (first panel of bottom tier)
Back to Nature

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Andy Panda (an anthropomorphic boy panda); Mr Jitter (movie director); Tommy (Andy's boy costar); Marion (Andy's female costar); tiger wrangler; Bill (other tiger wrangler); Rajah (Andy's tame tiger costar); two movie set monkeys; four movie East Indians; Mr Elephant (a tame movie elephant); someone in a scattering crowd; two motorcycle cops
Listen, Andy Panda!
Homesick for the big outdoors, Andy is fed up with animals not born free nor rooted in the wild. He proposes to Rajah that they escape and get back to nature, promising he'll show Rajah how to be a real wild tiger as soon as they get out of Hollywood. Leaving the life of bondage to human society, they set off, pursued by motorcycle cops. Rajah, with Andy athwart, leaps a chasm into the canyon country, where the police cannot follow.
Andy Panda in a World of Real People.

The 10-page 59-panel story panels-per-page breakdown is: 3,6,6,6,7,6,6,5,7,7.

Du Bois authorship i.d. by David Porta, August 2019, based on Du Bois markers (below), and Michael Barrier's assumptions (page 123, paragraph 4; page 125, paragraph 1) in FUNNYBOOKS (UCPress, Oakland, 2015).

Du Bois markers:
• animals: panda, tiger, monkeys, elephant
• accents, dialect (Bowery accent, circus jargon)
• nature (plot/theme)
• foreign culture (East Indians)
• word didacticism ("big top" means circus tent explained)
The Wicked Flee

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Raggedy Ann; Raggedy Andy; Fido; Grinny Bear; the Snoopwiggy; Loonies
Wowf! Wowf! Wowf! Wowf!
Fido's barking alerts Raggedy Ann and Andy to Grinny Bear and the Snoopwiggy on the river in a boat (they stole it from the Loonies) with its anchor caught. The two thieves jump overboard, and flee. The Raggedies come aboard; Fido frees the anchor. Seeking to return the boat to its owners, they all come upon the Loonies, who reveal it is theirs, and that the thieves also stole their castle. From the thicket Fido chases the thieves who flee to the boat and paddle off. The Raggedies suggest to the Loonies now is time to retake the castle. Done! Now to return home for Marcella.
Du Bois authorship i.d. by David Porta, August 2019, based on Du Bois markers (below), and Michael Barrier's assumptions (page 123, paragraph 4) in FUNNYBOOKS (UCPress, Oakland, 2015).

Du Bois markers:

• Animal theme: It's a Fido-driven (dog) story.

• Biblical influence: "Guilty consciences make cowards of the two thieves," who jump overboard. Compare Proverbs 28:1, "The wicked flee when no one pursues."

• Poetry/verse and wordplay: On the march to retake their castle, the Loonies sing a song involving wordplay that plays off Grinny Bear's name ("We're going home, no more to roam, while Snoop and Grinny share it. We'll lock them out and then we'll shout 'You'll have to grin and bear it!'") Du Bois included poetry in his other children's comics. (He wrote poetry throughout his life as a hobby.)

• Being a friend to others: A constant Du Bois theme. After helping them recover their home, Raggedy Ann and Andy help the Loonies clean house which the thieves left a mess. They sweep up, and change the sheets. "Remember to keep your gate locked."

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
He demonstrates that he can lead his kiddy...
Two separate Sunday newspaper strips. First page dated (bottom tier, panel 1) December (21?), (1941?). Second page dated (bottom tier, panels 1 and 2) October 19, (1941?). (Very small; reduced print, shrunk for comics magazine size.)

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Oh sir!!
Reformatted September, 1939 newspaper strip dailies. Various panels marked 9•2 (third panel), 9•4, 9•7, 9•12, 9•13, 9•14, 9•15, 9•16, 9•18 (last panel). Page 5 panel 2 best discernable: Copr. 1939, King Features Syndicate, Inc., world rights reserved.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
One evening right after supper...
Pot o' Gold at the Foot of the Rainbow

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Oswald the Rabbit; Papa Panda; Toby Bear; Maggie Lou; Woody Woodpecker (never called Woody, only Crazy Woodpecker); Hi-ya Wahoo; Mrs. Possum
Here we are, folks!
The gang picnics under shelter of a tree as rain sets in. Woodpecker fells the tree. A treasure map shows a pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow. They dig. The hole collapses into a cave; a pot of gold lies at the bottom of a pool. They divide the gold, and trek underground rooms. Hi-ya's whoop brings down stalactites which break a wall where a brook comes through. Oswald climbs a well's rope. Mrs Possum helps pull the others up. To offset her broken well, she charges the public entry to the caves, does brisk business. The gang have gold. All thanks to that crazy woodpecker.
Du Bois authorship i.d. by David Porta, August 2019, based on Du Bois markers (below), and Michael Barrier's assumptions (page 123, paragraph 4) in FUNNYBOOKS (UCPress, Oakland, 2015).

Du Bois markers:
• The woodpecker is negatively portrayed as an irresponsible character, which characterization is carried on through Du Bois's entire run of the series, in his later text stories.
• Didacticism. Oswald: Look at those big icicles on the ceiling! Papa Panda: Those aren't icicles.. They're stalactites made of limestone.
• Nature. Panel 1 "green grass.. murmuring pines.. and a lovely river!" Thence: riverbank, raindrop, tree, rainbow, cave, pool, stalactites, echo.
• Animal behavior. Woodpecker pecks tree.
• Ethnicity. Page 4 panel 2. Oswald: It goes pretty fast, with all of us working.. Papa Panda: You mean all but Hi-ya-Wahoo [sic]! That Indian hasn't lifted a hand to help! Hi-ya (haughty eyes, deadpan, arms folded): Injun too proud to work! Page 6 panel 2. Caption: Hi-ya is so thrilled by the sight that he gives a war-whoop! Sound effect: WA-HOO! Caption: The echoes of Hi-ya's whoop bring down the stalactites.
• Biblical influence. Compare: Joshua 6:20 ► When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Billy Bee (introduction); Bonny Bee (introduction)
Atop a grassy knoll...
Happy's Landing

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, drama, nature
Happy (a puppy); Sally Philips; Mrs. Philips; Mr. Philips; Dickie Philips; Billy Philips; a prowler
Everybody was pretty much upset when the puppy finally got his name.
Dickie's big sister Sally complains to Mother that the new puppy chewed her party slippers. The family love the pup, but his teething is a trial. The family are divided between complaints and diplomatic defense. Mr. Philips names the pup "Happy." Happy sleeps at the end of Dickie's bed. Noise awakens the household: Happy's head got stuck in the leg of a boot, and he toppled down the stairs, frightening away a prowler who had been ransacking the house. Happy has proven his value. He's a hero. Dickie is so pleased.
Du Bois authorship i.d. by David Porta, August 2019, based on Du Bois markers (below), and Michael Barrier's assumptions (page 123, paragraph 4) in FUNNYBOOKS (UCPress, Oakland, 2015).

Du Bois continued to write each text story for this series to issue #144.

Du Bois markers:
• Reality animal story: puppy teething, normal puppy behavior, chewing on shoes. Reality animal stories were one of Du Bois's mainstays: dogs, horses, elephants. Lassie; Hi-Yo Silver; Champion; Trigger; Elephant Boy; etc.
• Conflict resolution (family dispute): is amiable. Peaceful conflict resolution was typical of a Du Bois story.
• Crime: intrudes on domestic life. Du Bois scripts frequently contain crime intruding on normal life. Ordinary reality disrupted by rogue humanity. (He wrote the Gang Busters feature about this time at Western Publishing.)

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Yessiree! It was the winter's coldest night...
from newspapers strips [dates unknown]
[Episode 3] Medicine Horse

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, nature, war, western
Young Hawk (a Dakota youth); Medicine Horse (Young Hawk's Pinto colt); Little Buck (Young Hawk's younger running partner); Tumbleweed (Little Buck's pup); wild horse herd; horse hunters from an enemy tribe; scalp hunters (a detachment from the horse hunters)
-Synopsis- After a terrific struggle, Young Hawk finally gets the wild horse down on the ground.
Young Hawk breaks the colt. He names him Medicine Horse. Riding, he hears the wild horse herd, and spots horse hunters from an enemy tribe driving the herd around the canyon bend. They spot the young Dakota in their territory. He needs good medicine, drives Medicine Horse up an old rock slide in the canyon, pushes down a five ton boulder that plows through the red scalp-hunters, jarring loose an avalanche of rock, pulling the canyon wall down on his pursuers, killing them all. Medicine Horse brought him luck. Young Hawk and Medicine Horse return to Little Buck and Tumbleweed.
Du Bois writer i.d. by David Porta, August 2019. Du Bois characteristics:
• an animal-centric plot
• the naming of the horse is didactic, of Native American culture's spirituality. ("All the Indians believed that medicine, or good magic, would bring them luck.")
• conflict resolution uses not inherent brute power (Young Hawk is outnumbered) but fortuitous circumstances (luck, divine intervention) and creative intelligence to overcome superior force
• it's a war story*

*The war story genre: Du Bois wrote for overt war series/features (WAR STORIES: WAR HEROES; FIGHTING YANKS; THE ADVENTURES OF OMAR) and, in Native/tribal features and stories or episodes of various projects, plots predicated on war. (Stephen R. Bissette pointed out in his foreword to the BROTHERS OF THE SPEAR Dark Horse ARCHIVES VOLUME THREE, that Du Bois's BROTHERS OF THE SPEAR series was a war comic.) Du Bois wrote war predicated episodes of LASSIE (in the African episodes), KORAK, THE CHIEF/INDIAN CHIEF, JUNGLE JIM, TARZAN, TIM McCOY on THE TOMAHAWK TRAIL (Big Little Book #1436), BUFFALO BILL PLAYS a LONE HAND (Big Little Book #1194), his many WWII text stories, etc.
Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies Comics

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Porky Pig; Sniffles; Bugs Bunny; Elmer; Petunia
Leon Schlesinger Presents
Buy a copy today. On sale everywhere for 10¢.
Andy Panda Magazines

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Woody Woodpecker; Andy Panda; Raggedy Ann; Raggedy Andy; Oswald the Rabbit; Felix the Cat; Lil' Eightball
Visit Andy Panda once a month with a subscription to the New Funnies.
Boy! 12 full issues for only one dollar!
C4 or Cover #4 also known as back cover.

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