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Issue: New Funnies #86
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDell
Indicia Publisher: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
On Sale Date: 1944
Volume: 1
Pages: 60
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 13 (10 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: As this is prior to New Funnies fully becoming a Walter Lantz character series, each component feature of this issue carries its own copyright.

With this issue, Woody Woodpecker is promoted to full-feature status, and Felix the Cat and The Brownies are no longer features of this magazine, moving New Funnies closer to eventually becoming an actual Walter Lantz character series.

Other Dell Publishing personnel listed in the indicia are: George T. Delacorte, Jr. (president), Helen Meyer (Vice President), and Margarita Delacorte (secretary).
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Full Color
Dimensions: Standard Format
Paper Stock: Newsprint
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Format Notes:  
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Tuba Traveler

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Andy Panda; Charlie Chicken (both in cover illustration); Raggedy Ann; Li'l Eight Ball; Homer Pigeon; Oswald the Rabbit; Raggedy Andy (in sidebar only, top to bottom).
Charlie hitches a ride in Andy's tuba, preventing the Panda from playing a note.
Winners of the October Contest

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dell Comics; New Funnies
A list of contest winners receiving 25-cent War Stamps, and those receiving 10-cent War Stamps. Black and white (with some red lettering) on inside front cover.
Unhappy Campers

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Andy Panda; Charlie Chicken; crowd of tourists; squirrel; bear
Oh, what a beautiful morning, Andy! Just tight for a camping trip!
Andy and Charlie experience problem after problem while on a camping trip, including a bear that takes too much of a liking to them.
Copyright 1944 by Walter Lantz Productions.

Credits per info in Michael Barrier's book Funnybooks the Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books.
Down the Hole to Cookieland

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, fantasy
Raggedy Ann; Raggedy Andy; brown bunny; Snitznoodle; Hookie the Goblin; Mr. Cookie; Mrs. Cookie; little girl cookie
Ooh! Poor Raggedys! They've fallen down the bottomless hole!
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy fall down a deep, deep hole into an icy land. There, they meet the friendly Snitznoodle and the unfriendly Hookie the Goblin. Pursued by the goblin, the Raggedys and Snitznoodle take refuge in a realm of baked sweets called "Cookieland".
Copyright 1944 by Johnny Gruelle Co.

Credits per info in Michael Barrier's book Funnybooks the Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books.
How To Be a Hero

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Homer Pigeon; Carrie Pigeon; Red Cardinal; Old Hermit Owl
I'm a droppin' in at Carrie's...
When flashy braggart Red Cardinal moves in on Homer's girl Carrie, Homer tries to make himself look like a hero in Carrie's eyes.
Copyright 1944 by Walter Lantz Productions.

Second appearance of Homer Pigeon's rival in romance, Red Cardinal, last seen in issue #83. Red will continue to woo Carrie and plague Homer for the life of the series.
Home Is Where You Build It

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Oswald the Rabbit; Toby Bear; rhinoceros; jungle bird; giraffe; The General (parrot)
Marooned on a desert island, Oswald and Toby decide to build themselves a tree house for protection against wild animals...
Oswald and Toby build themselves a treehouse and settle into their predicament, but more surprises await.
Copyright 1944 by Walter Lantz Productions.

Part 5 of a continuity begun in New Funnies #82, running thru #87.
Andy Panda's Houseboat

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Andy Panda; Charlie Chicken; Billy and Bonny Bee; Oswald the Rabbit
April Fool's Day at the Circus

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Li'l Eight Ball; the Woodchuck boys; Mammy; novelty store clerk; circus boss; clown; elephant; circus barker
Look! Today is April first!
Li'l Eight Ball and the Woodchuck boys pull April Fool's gags on one another, while the Woodchucks connive their way into some free circus tickets with Li'l Eight Ball doing all the hard work.
Copyright 1944 by Walter Lantz Productions.
Wagon Strain

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Woody Woodpecker; Mrs. Knittingneedle; Mr. McBooble (grocer); mouse crossing the street
Here's a list of the things I want from the store, Woody, and please be careful with the eggs!
When Woody delivers groceries with his little wooden wagon, the expected troubles ensue.
Copyright 1944 by Walter Lantz Productions.
That's Life in the BEE-g City: Chapter Two

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Billy Bee; Bonny Bee; Nurse Betsy Bee; letter carrier (moth); predatory bird; crow; city mosquito; city beetle; city spider; Buzzer (city housefly); Jeeper Creeper (city cockroach); human woman with fly swatter
The last time we saw Billy, he was on a vacation in the city with his friends Buzzer the Fly and Jeeper the Roach!
Bonny Bee travels to The Big City to join her brother Billy. On the way, she is attacked by a predatory bird, losing her map in the getaway. She eventually reaches the city, but is lost amid its sheer size and scope. Flying through an apartment window, Bonny gets caught on a roll of flypaper, along with a city mosquito. Both are rescued by a strong city beetle. The mosquito takes Bonny to her brother. They, and their "last-issue-friends" the fly and cockroach, "attend" a party with cake and goodies, where they are swatted by humans. They end up dining cockroach-style in the human's trash can.
Copyright 1944 by R.S. Callender.

A last-panel caption tells us that the story will continue: "And so we leave our little friends to enjoy their supper. But next month, Billy and Bonny are in for their biggest adventure since they came to the big city."
Woody on the Warpath

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Woody Woodpecker; Native American woman (in splash panel); papoose (in splash panel); tour guide; various tourists; various members of the "Woowoo Indian Tribe"; moose
Shhh! Don'tcha know it's patriotic to share the ride, bud?
Falling asleep, rather than keeping up with his tour group, Woody panics when waking up among a tribe of peaceful indians and believes that it's war.
Copyright 1944 by Walter Lantz Productions. Woody is drawn in his earliest design.

WWII Wartime Reference: The opening splash panel offers a gag unrelated to the main story, where Woody has jammed himself into a Native American woman's "papoose carrier" and is being carried along with the little one. He says to the bewildered boy: "Shhh! Don'tcha know it's patriotic to share the ride, bud?"
Book Learning

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Oswald the Rabbit; Toby Bear
It's time you did your homework, Toby!
Toby finds that books can be uplifting, in more ways than one.
Color on inside back cover.
Special New Funnies Subscription Offer

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dell Comics; New Funnies
Andy Panda; painting of Charlie Chicken
Three Years (36 issues) only $2.50 or Two Years (24 issues) only $1.75
Ad offering mail subscriptions to New Funnies at $1.00 for one year, $1.75 for two years, or $2.50 for three years, with a free 8" x 10 1/2" picture of Andy Panda as a premium. Color ad on back cover.

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