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Issue: Tom & Jerry Comics #149
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDell
Brand: DellView Brand Images2
Indicia Publisher: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
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Content Items: 11 (6 stories, 1 cover)
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age US; later Standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: newsprint
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Christmas Croquet

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Tom; Jerry; Tuffy
At Christmastime, Jerry and Tuffy play croquet with Christmas ornament balls and using candy canes as croquet mallets.
Treat the Team to Kool-Aid

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Kool-Aid smiling pitcher; lots of stick-figure boys and girls; blue stick-figure-legged dog.
5ยข package makes two quarts
Eleven stick-figure kids, and a blue stick-figure-legged dog draped in a red "K" banner, clamor for Kool-Aid.
Ad for Kool-Aid soft-drink-mix. Per the ad: "9 great flavors including NEW LEMON! Try 'em all!" Color ad on inside front cover.
Bats and Rats

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Tom; Jerry; Tuffy; two bats, crowd of customers
Hey, where have you two been all day?
From a distance, Tom mistakes two bats for Jerry and Tuffy and believes the mice have learned how to fly.
The Cold Little Kitten Who Found Some Mittens

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Spike; Tyke; little girl; alley cat; persons waiting at bus stop
I must stop playing with my walking dolly now!
To quiet a cold and yowling wise-guy alley cat, Spike throws a little girl's mechanical walking doll at him. As the doll is outfitted with mittens and shoes, which just happen to be the right size, the cat dons them and interprets it as an act of kindness on Spike's part. When the girl finds her doll missing, Spike and Tyke search for it in the snow. They find the doll sans mittens and shoes, and now turn their search toward the cat. In true "Michael Maltese cartoon fashion", the fast-talking feline, now comfy in his newfound winter outfit, gives the dogs the run around.
Dialogue and situations are "Maltese-ian"! Therefore, Michael Maltese, who wrote comics for Western Publishing at this time, gets an "uncertain" credit here. You could easily see this cat in an Augie Doggie cartoon, or as a foil for Chuck Jones' put-upon Porky Pig - both of which Maltese wrote for.
The Feather Cake

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Bertie Bird; Billie Bird; lady
Bertie Bird fluttered his wings restlessly, as he pecked at the few shriveled seeds in front of him.
Tired of seeds, Bertie gets a kind lady to invite him and Billie into her kitchen where she is preparing to make a Christmas cake. Impatient Bertie accelerates the process to his own periled embarrassment.
Middle left page of centerfold.
The Reluctant Rescue Dog

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Barney Bear; Fuzzy; Wuzzy; Ol' Nero (dog)
Boys, what earthly good is that mutt?
Fuzzy and Wuzzy try to prove to their Uncle Barney that their lazy dog, Ol' Nero, can be a hero rescue dog.
Similar in tone, though abbreviated, to the Carl Barks Donald Duck story known alternately as "Operation St. Bernard" or "Test at Frostbite Pass". https://www.comics.org/issue/8743/#80419
Resort-ing to Trickery

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Wuff the Prairie Dog; Sammy Squirrel; Charlie Coyote; Reggie Duck; Mrs. Reggie Duck; family of beavers; family of racoons; rooster; hen; Snooky (baby chick); other undetermined resort guests
Whew! We finally finished cleaning out those old jack rabbit burrows!
Wuff and Sammy turn their desert digs into a western resort for eastern animals to spend the winter, with many different animal families flocking to this new "in" spot. This cramps the style of Charlie Coyote, who won't chase and capture Wuff and Sammy for his stew in front of so many witnesses. Charlie schemes to sabotage the resort and drive all the guests away.
Twice in the story Charlie refers to the resort guests as "foreigners". "Foreign" to the desert perhaps?

Writer Vic Lockman makes reference to Poughkeepsie, New York (the location of Western Publishing's printing facilities) when Wuff talks about his advertising for the resort: WUFF: "I've run ads in every paper from here to Poughkeepsie, and..."

Lockman would later reference Poughkeepsie in "Super Goof vs. the Cold Ray" in Walt Disney Super Goof (Western, 1965 Series) #6 (March 1967) page 20, panel 7.

An additional Poughkeepsie reference to occurs in the Woody Woodpecker story "Topknot of the Big Top" in Golden Comics Digest (Western, 1969 Series) #5 (September 1969) not written by Lockman, page 14, panel 2. https://www.comics.org/issue/224448/#1091225
Quills and Spills

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Tom; Jerry; Tuffy; porcupine
I think I'll have a dish of yummy strawberries for lunch!
A porcupine prevents Tom from reaching the strawberries in his freezer chest.
"I'm Sure Glad I Chose a Gilbert American Flyer Train!"

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
boy marveling over a Gilbert American Flyer model train
Boys who know model trains - and the differences between them - pick American Flyer. Here's why...
Ad for Gilbert American Flyer model train sets. On final interior page of the comic.
Time to Get a Daisy and Get In On the Fun!

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Famous Daisy Pump Gun
Ad for Daisy Air Rifles and B-B guns, featuring the "Daisy No. 98 with scope mounted", "No. 25 Pump Gun", and "No. 1094 Red Ryder Cowboy Outfit". Ad offers a free Daisy Air Rifle catalog, for sending just a 3-cent stamp. Color ad on inside back cover.
Hey, Kids! It's New... All New Schwinn Mark II Jaguar

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Roy Rogers; Trigger (both in inset at lower right of page); a dad in a Santa costume
Sports car styling... the zip and handling of a custom racer... the toughness of a Jaguar cat... all are yours in the NEW, all new Schwinn Mark II Jaguar!
Illustrated ad for Schwinn bicycles. Schwinn Mark II Jaguar bike is pictured. Easy budget terms. A "Full Color Schwinn Bike Folder" (catalog) is offered by mail.

"Free! A present for you! See your favorite movie and television stars riding Schwinn bicycles in this exciting full-color folder." This premium, with Roy Rogers and Trigger on its cover, is also offered by mail. Arnold, Schwinn, & Company, 1730 North Kildare Avenue, Chicago 39, Illinois. Color ad on back cover.

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