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Issue: Marvel. Официальная коллекция комиксов #68
Disclose Detail
Title: Перчатка Бесконечности
Variant: unnamed
Rating: 16+
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher:
On Sale Date: 08/04/2016
Volume: none
Pages: 272
UPC/EAN: 977230490570100068
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 7 (6 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: 6200 copies printed
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: 17.5cm x 26.5cm
Paper Stock: Glossy
Binding: Hardcover
Publishing Format: Graphic Novel
Format Notes:  
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
Thanos; Mephisto; Death; Silver Surfer; Gamora; Mentor; Starfox; Firelord; Drax the Destroyer; Hawkeye; Sersi; Hulk; Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Nick Fury; Val De Fontaine; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Dr. Strange

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
HEROES: Silver Surfer; Dr. Strange; Wong; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Avengers [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Hawkeye; Sersi]; Nick Fury; Val De Fontaine; Hulk; Drax the Destroyer; Firelord; Starfox; Mentor; Adam Warlock; Pip; Gamora; Isaac; VILLAINS: Thanos; Mephisto; Death; Nebula; CAMEOS: Thor; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Ant-Man [Hank Pym]; Wasp; Ms. Marvel [Carol Danvers]; Vision; Scarlet Witch; Falcon; Beast (all photos); Skrulls; Alf; CAMEO FLASHBACK: In-Betweener; Champion; Gardener; Collector; Runner; Grand Master
The Silver Surfer crashes into Dr. Strange's sanctum and warns the sorcerer supreme that Thanos has gained control of the Infinity Gauntlet. With his new lackey, Mephisto, whispering in his ear, Thanos begins to test his new powers and pays a visit to his lover, Death. Warlock, Pip and Gamora are resurrected in the bodies of three people who have died in a car crash. Finding that Death still spurns his love, Thanos wipes out half of all life in the universe. As the cosmos reels with the loss of half of its population, the heroes of earth scramble to try and figure out what is going on.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
HEROES: Avengers [Captain America; Thor [Eric Masterson]; She-Hulk; Vision; Iron Man; Wonder Man; Scarlet Witch; Black Widow; Human Torch I; Hank Pym]; Firelord; Adam Warlock; Pip; Cloak; Wolverine; Nick Fury; Quasar; Epoch; Dr. Strange; Rintrah; Silver Surfer; Starfox; Drax the Destroyer; Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Namorita; Odin; Zeus; Itzamna; Nuada; Osiris; Manitou; Svarog; Tezcatlipoca; VILLAINS: Thanos; Mephisto; Nebula; Dr. Doom; Galactus; CAMEOS: Kree; Isaac; Archangel; Beast; Black Cat; Black Panther; Box; Dagger; Daredevil; Diamond Lil; Firestar; Guardian [Heather Hudson]; Hawkeye; Hercules; Human Torch; Mr. Fantastic; Iceman; Invisible Woman; Makkari; Marvel Boy [Vance Astro]; Jean Grey; Night Thrasher; Northstar; Luke Cage; Puck; Quicksilver; Sasquatch; Shaman; Sersi; The Thing; U.S.Agent; Vindicator [James MacDonald Hudson]; Wasp; Windshear; Storm; Forge; Ghost Rider; Punisher; Psylocke; Colossus; Jubilee; Kitty Pryde; Spider-Man; Crimson Dynamo; Black Knight [Dane Whitman]; Black Bolt; Medusa; Gorgon; Karnak; Alf
Half of all of life has been snuffed out by Thanos. The Kree and Skrull empires begin another war. Odin calls a council of the gods to fight this cosmic threat. Adam Warlock asks to lead Earth's forces. Thanos pulls Starfox to his citadel for family reunion. The Avengers begin to marshal their forces. Dr. Doom arrives in Strange's sanctum looking for answers but Warlock and Pip make a grand entrance. Finding that Death is still not impressed with his efforts, Thanos causes a shockwave to ripple through the universe destroying parts of earth and causing more trouble.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Infinity Gauntlet
HEROES: Avengers [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Thor [Eric Masterson]; She-Hulk; Black Widow [Natasha Romanov]; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Scarlet Witch; Vision]; Silver Surfer; Dr. Strange; Rintrah; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Wolverine; Hulk; Moon Knight; Adam Warlock; Pip; Nick Fury; Val DeFontaine; Cyclops; Firelord; Nova [Richard Rider]; Cloak; Drax the Destroyer; Cyclops; Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Quasar [Wendell Vaughn]; Starfox; Watcher; Eternity; Kronos; Living Tribunal; Chaos; Order; Love; Hate; Stranger; Celestials; Epoch; VILLAINS: Thanos; Mephisto; Death; Nebula; Dr. Doom; Galactus; Terraxia (1st); CAMEOS: Whizzer; Doc Samson; Captain Marvel [Mar-Vell]; Mantis; Snowbird; Beyonder
Fury is told that the recent cosmic wave that shook earth has knocked it out of orbit and the planet is headed for destruction. As earth's heroes try to control the chaos, Adam Warlock gathers his forces for the ultimate battle against Thanos. Even Dr. Doom agrees to join the fray. Warlock then consults with the greatest cosmic beings in the universe and includes them in his plan. Tired of being spurned by Death, Thanos creates an ideal lover for himself, Terraxia. With all of the pieces in place, earth's heroes are sent to the other side of the universe to engage Thanos in final battle.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Infinity Gauntlet
HEROES: Avengers [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Thor [Eric Masterson]; Iron Man; Scarlet Witch; Vision; She-Hulk]; Silver Surfer; Dr. Strange; Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Hulk; Firelord; Cloak; Cyclops; Wolverine; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Adam Warlock; Drax the Destroyer; Starfox; Quasar [Wendell Vaughn]; Nova [Richard Rider]; Watcher; VILLAINS: Thanos; Death; Mephisto; Nebula; Terraxia; Dr. Doom; CAMEOS: Galactus; Eternity; Kronos; Stranger; Order; Chaos; Love; Hate; Celestials
As earth's heroes begin to attack Thanos, Mephisto convinces him that Death will be more impressed by his courage if the fight is fair. Thanos quenches some of his power & battles the heroes led by Captain America & he kills them one by one. Observing from space, Warlock tells the Surfer that the heroes are merely a distraction & doomed for defeat. He then sends the Surfer in to snag the gauntlet from Thanos but the try misses. Realizing that he has come very close to being beaten by Warlock's ploy, Thanos powers back up only to be confronted by the most powerful beings in the universe.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Infinity Gauntlet
HEROES: Thor [Eric Masterson]; Silver Surfer; Dr. Strange; Hulk; Firelord; Adam Warlock; Drax the Destroyer; Starfox; Watcher; Eternity; Kronos; Stranger; Order; Chaos; Love; Hate; Celestials; Epoch; VILLAINS: Thanos; Mephisto; Death; Nebula; Terraxia; Dr. Doom; Annihilus; Galactus
As reality crumbles around them, Thanos battles the most powerful cosmic beings in the universe and defeats them all. He then battles Eternity himself. Defeating the ultimate power in the universe, Thanos leaves his body inert and becomes eternity. With his body standing dormant, Nebula snatches the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos' hand and has her revenge on her grandfather and tormentor as she takes ultimate power for herself. Thanos is banished to float in space but gets pulled to earth by Dr. Strange where Warlock asks him to join the fight against Nebula.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Infinity Gauntlet
HEROES: Avengers [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Thor [Eric Masterson]; Vision; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Hawkeye; Sersi]; Silver Surfer; Dr. Strange; Hulk; Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Cloak; Dagger; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Mary Jane Parker; Quasar [Wendell Vaughn]; Firelord; Mentor; Adam Warlock; Drax the Destroyer; Starfox; Gamora; Pip; Rintrah; Watcher; Eternity; Kronos; Stranger; Order; Chaos; Love; Hate; Celestials; Epoch; VILLAINS: Thanos; Mephisto; Nebula; Galactus
Nebula with the Gauntlet, is confronted by Thanos & the heroes of earth. Attempting to thwart Thanos, she puts things back to the way they were 24 hrs ago. Nebula then faces the cosmic pantheon & defeats them. Adam Warlock secretly enters the soul gem & succeeds in tearing the Infinity Gauntlet from Nebula's hand. After a mad dash to the Gauntlet, Adam Warlock ends up with it. Warlock decides to be the bearer of the infinity gems & sends everyone but Gamora & Pip back home. Two months into the future, Warlock & his companions find Thanos living the secluded life of a simple farmer, content.

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