DC Bullpen Page with promo texts and news about upcoming projects: Spotlight on HARD TIME #1, Hot List (PLASTIC MAN #1. ROBIN #121, ROSE AND THORN #1, SUPERMAN #200) plus editorial by "Your Mole At 1700".
Total of 16 one-page and 3 two-page advertisements for: Kya: Dark Lineage (game, Atari, 3 pages), Soup at Hand (soup, Campbell), Gameboy Advance SP (gameboy, Nintendo), ATI's Radeon series (graphics cards, ATI), JAK II (game, Sony, 2 pages), Armed and Dangerous (game, Lucas Arts), Eye Toy (game, Sony, 2 pages), Wonder Woman (books, DK), Crazyworld (self-help, thetruthcom, 2 pages), Ratchet Clank: Going Commando (game, Sony), Pirates of the Caribbean (dvd, Walt Disney), GUNDAM Battle Scarred (toys, Bandai), Garth Nix: The Keys to the Kingdom (bok, Scholastic), Maximum Chase (game, Majesco), NBA Jam (game, Acclaim), Audigy 2 (sound blaster, Creative Technology), Wrestlemania History (pay-per-view, WWE).