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Issue: Supercrash - De filosofe en de tijdbom #[nn]
Publication Date: January 2015
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagSoul Food Comics
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
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On Sale Date: 10/10/2015
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789082410709
UPC/EAN: 9789082410709
Price: none entered
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Content Items: 5 (3 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Marcel Brouwer; Lindy Jense; Sara Thedinga
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Kleur
Dimensions: 16 x 23 cm
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Binding: Gelijmd
Publishing Format: EĆ©nmalig
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Darryl Cunningham
Darryl Cunningham
Darryl Cunningham
Subject Matter

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s)
Joris Luyendijk
Deel een Ayn Rand

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Darryl Cunningham; Guus van Sonsbeek (vertaling); Sisse Stegeman (vertaling)
Darryl Cunningham
Darryl Cunningham
Subject Matter
biography, non-fiction, opinion
Ayn Rand; Frank O'Connor; Cecil B. DeMille; Nathan Blumenthal [Nathan Branden]; Barbara Weidman [Barbara Branden]; Alan Greenspan; Murray Rothbard; Patricia Gullison
Ayn Rand immigrates to America from the new communist state in Russia. While many people help her along her way through life, she always insists that she accomplished everything on her own. Developing the libertarian philosophy of Objectivism, she bullies and dominates her circle, despite glorifying individual liberty and autonomy. Her novels develop a following attracted by her exaltation of selfishness, her contempt for government, and her disdain for community.
Economie; libertijnisme; Objectivisme
Deel twee De krach

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Darryl Cunningham; Guus van Sonsbeek (vertaling); Sisse Stegeman (vertaling)
Darryl Cunningham
Darryl Cunningham
Subject Matter
non-fiction, opinion
Bankers; Ronald Reagan; Uncle Sam; Alan Greenspan; Bill Clinton; Robert Rubin; Citigroup; brokers; small investors; Brooksley Born; Larry Summers; homeowners; Christopher Warren; Eileen Foster; Angelo Mozilo; Hank Paulson; Goldman Sachs; AIG; Greg Smith
Financial deregulation in the U.S. and in Great Britain leads to a frenzy of unsafe and unethical practices. These in turn lead to a financial and economic crash, since the invisible hand of the marketplace failed to correct or limit bad practice. In order to save the economy, payment for the losses was shifted to taxpayers, thus insulating financial leaders from losses deriving from their bad decisions and bad behavior.
Deel drie

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Darryl Cunningham; Guus van Sonsbeek (vertaling); Sisse Stegeman (vertaling)
Darryl Cunningham
Darryl Cunningham
Subject Matter
non-fiction, opinion
Political liberals; political conservatives; rich people; poor people; struggling middle class; Anne Coulter; hippies; criminals; police; Paul Ryan; David H. Koch; Charles G. Koch; Murray Rothbard; Rick Santelli; "Tea Party" members; Nigel Farage; Uncle Sam; Ayn Rand
Political liberals and political conservatives seem in many ways to be "hard-wired" into their positions. With the election of Thatcher in Britain and Reagan in the U.S., both countries entered a period where many in political and economic power enthused over Rand's ideas glorifying selfishness. Resulting deregulation crippled the economy, ruined many in the middle class, and made life even harder for the poor, but benefited the super-rich. While a new Gilded Age is at hand, citizen movements in the past have wrought positive social change. Selfishness is no virtue; it's time to reject it.

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