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Issue: Justice League of America #[7]
Publication Date: November 2010
Disclose Detail
Title: Team History
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDC
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: DC Comics
On Sale Date: 09/14/2011
Volume: none
Pages: 196
ISBN: 9781401232603
UPC/EAN: 978140123260351799
Price: $19.99 CAD
$17.99 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 15 (6 stories, 1 cover)
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: cardstock cover
Binding: softcover
Publishing Format: collected edition
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America [Vixen; Plastic Man; Red Tornado; Green Lantern [John Stewart]; Zatanna; Superman; Batman; Wonder Woman]

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Despero; Superman; Batman; Wonder Woman
Out of the Ashes..

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Bluejay (dies in this story); Justice League of America [Vixen; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Red Tornado; Plastic Man; Zatanna; Gypsy]; Despero; Dr. Light [Arthur Light] (resurrected as a Black Lantern)
Bluejay tries to deliver a warning to the JLA but is unsuccessful. Meanwhile, as the remnants of the JLA gather in the mountain headquarters of the first Justice League to decide if a Justice League is still needed, they are attacked by Despero.
Cameos of JLA souvenirs include a Red Tornado helmet; Manitou Raven's skull; a Starro controller; the Green Bell of Uthool, the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath and the Red Jar of Calythos; Brainstorm's helmet; a de-activated Amazo android.

Statues of deceased JLA members outside of Happy Harbor [Batman; Maxima; Blue Beetle; General Glory; Martian Manhunter; Ice; Crimson Fox [Vivian d'Aramis]; Crimson Fox [Constance d'Aramis]; Rocket Red #7]

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America [Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Plastic Man; Vixen; Plastic Man; Zatanna]; Black Lanterns [Zatara [John Zatara]; Vibe; Steel [Hank Heywood III]; Dr. Light]
By My Black Hand, the Dead Shall Rise! Part One

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Vibe [Paco Ramone] (revived as a Black Lantern); Justice League of America [Red Tornado; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Zatanna; Vixen; Plastic Man; Gypsy]; Zatara [John Zatara] (revived as a Black Lantern); Steel [Hank Heywood III] (revived as a Black Lantern); Dr. Light [Arthur Light] (revived as a Black Lantern); Gehenna (head only); Superman (cameo flashback); Wonder Woman (cameo flashback); Flash [Barry Allen] (cameo flashback); Martian Manhunter (cameo flashback); Aquaman (cameo flashback); Elongated Man (cameo flashback); Vixen (cameo flashback);Gypsy (cameo flashback); Steel [Hank Heywood III] (cameo flashback); Zatanna (cameo flashback); Amazo (cameo flashback); an android from Professor Ivo (cameo flashback)
Paco Ramone remembers his life before being revived as a Black Lantern. As the remnants of the Justice League go to the Hall of Justice to fight the revived villains, they encounter Zatara, Vibe, and Steel, all of whom have been revived as Black Lanterns. Kimiyo senses that the first Dr. Light has also been revived as a Black Lantern and goes off to face him alone.
By My Black Hand, The Dead Shall Rise! Part Two

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America [Vixen; Gypsy; Zatanna; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Plastic Man; Red Tornado]; Black Lanterns [Steel [Hank Heywood III]; Vibe; Dr. Light [Arthur Light]]; Commander Steel (flashback); Justice League of America [Martian Manhunter; Aquaman; Elongated Man; Vixen; Steel [Hank Heywood III]; Vibe] (flashback); Black Mass (flashback); Shatterfist (flashback)
The last few members of the Justice League battle against the resurrected Black Lanterns in the Hall of Justice.

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America [Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Cyborg; Donna Troy; Guardian; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Mon-El; Congorilla; Batman [Dick Grayson]; Starfire]
Team History

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Black Lanterns [Superman; Superboy; Green Arrow; Animal Man; Wonder Woman; Donna Troy; Impulse]; Justice League of America [Vixen (retires as of this story); Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Red Tornado (deactivated); Donna Troy; Starfire; Cyborg; Batman [Dick Grayson]; Mon-El; Guardian; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]]; Wonder Woman; Robin [Damain Wayne]; Killer Moth; Darwin Jones; Neon Black; Atomic Skull; Flashbacks: Prometheus; Hawkman; Black Canary; Green Arrow; Red Tornado; Red Arrow]; Tomahawk's Rangers [Tomahawk; Dan Hunter; Leroy "Stovepipe" Johnson; Frenchie DuVal; Wildcat; Big Anvil]; Grodd (?); Frankenstein; Floronic Man; Miss Liberty
Wonder Woman convinces Donna Troy to recreate the Justice League. To this end, Donna recruits Starfire, Cyborg, Batman, and Dr. Light. Dr. Light then goes to recruit the Guardian and Mon-El, while Batman recruits Green Lantern and Green Arrow.

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America [Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Cyborg; Batman [Dick Grayson]]; Hunter; Dr. Impossible; Tender Mercy

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Donna Troy; Starfire
Team History

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
the Shade; Justice League of America [Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Starfire; Donna Troy; Batman [Dick Grayson]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Guardian; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Mon-El; Black Canary; Red Tornado (head only); Cyborg]; Atlas; Power Company [Joshiah Power; Bork; Skyrocket; Striker Z]; Dr. Impossible; Hunter; Darwin Jones; Congorilla [Bill]; Starman [Mikaal Tomas]; Chair; Tender Mercy; Neon Black; Flashbacks: Challengers of the Unknown ["Prof" Haley; "Ace" Morgan; "Red" Ryan; "Rocky" Davis]; League of Challenger-Haters [Kra; Volcano Man; Multi-Man]; Metal Men [Gold; Iron; Tin; Mercury; Platinum; Lead]; Dr. Will Magnus; Uncle Sam; The Ray; Plastic Man; Blackhawks; the War Wheel
The new Justice League defeats a not-really trying Atlas. Dr. Impossible and Hunter attack STAR Labs, with the Power Company trying to stop them. The mystery of the alien artifact Darwin Jones was investigating continues, and the League realizes that another part of the artifact is on Blackhawk Island. Congorilla and Starman try to stop Tender Mercy and Chair as the League arrives. Meanwhile, Neon Black, Hunter and Dr. Impossible invade the now-empty JLA satellite.
Several characters listed here seem to be visually based on the New Gods characters: Hunter (Orion), Neon Black (Lightray), Dr. Impossible (Mr. Miracle), Chair (Metron), and Tender Mercy (Big Barda).

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America (new) [Batman [Dick Grayson]; Mon-El; Donna Troy; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]]; Justice League of America (old) [Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Superman; Wonder Woman [Princess Diana]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]]

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Flash [Barry Allen]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El; Linda Lang]; Wonder Woman [Diana Prince]
All Along the Watchtower

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice League of America [Superman; Flash [Barry Allen]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Wonder Woman; Martian Manhunter; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Aquaman]]; Shaggy Man (all in flashback); Justice League of America [Green Arrow [Oliver Queen] Batman [Dick Grayson]; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Donna Troy; Cyborg; Mon-El; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Guardian; Black Canary; Starfire; Congorilla; Starman [Mikaal Tomas]; Red Tornado]; Neon Black; Hunter; Dr. Impossible; Tender Mercy; Chair; Flash [Barry Allen]; Plastique; Hellgrammite; Mr. Atom; Harpi; Flash [Jay Garrick]; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Obsidian; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Bluejay; Captain Marvel (cameo); Captain Marvel Jr. (cameo); Mary Marvel (cameo); Batman [vampire] (cameo); Charlton Heroes [Judomaster; Captain Atom; Blue Beetle [Dan Garrett]; Peacemaker] (cameos); Freedom Fighters [Doll Man; Uncle Sam; Ray; Black Condor] (cameos); Captain Marvel (as a nazi, cameo); robot Justice League [Superman; Batman; Flash; Wonder Woman] (cameos); Female Justice League [Superwoman; Flash; Atom; Green Lantern; Red Tornado] (cameos); Batman Beyond (cameo); Red Son [Superman] (cameo); Atomic Knights (cameos); Crime Syndicate [Superwoman; Ultraman; Owlman] (cameos); Tangent Heroes [Green Lantern; Flash]; Fairchild (cameo); Apollo (cameo); Mr. Majestic (cameo); Maul (cameo)
Green Arrow fights Hunter, Dr. Impossible, and Neon Black in the Watchtower. Meanwhile the rest of the League fight Tender Mercy and Chair on Blackhawk Island and meet Congorilla and Starman there. Red Tornado aids Green Arrow in routing the three villains. The League then begins to separate for various personal reasons, leaving only Batman, Donna Troy, Congorilla and Starman to defeat some other villains who were working for Prometheus. The five villains assemble the machine pieces they've gathered and activate it, peering into the various worlds of the Multiverse.
Most of the cameos appear on pages 30 and 31, where the villains look at the Multiverse. Mr. Atom is referred to as Mr. Atomic in the story. "All Along The Watchtower" is the title of a song by Bob Dylan, a cover of which was done by Jimi Hendrix and others.

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