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Issue: Marvel. Официальная коллекция комиксов #81
Disclose Detail
Title: Железный Кулак: В Поисках Коллин Винг
Variant: unnamed
Rating: 16+
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher:
On Sale Date: 02/02/2017
Volume: none
Pages: 168
UPC/EAN: 977230490570100081
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 9 (8 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: 5900 copies printed
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: 17.5cm x 26.5cm
Paper Stock: Glossy
Binding: Hardcover
Publishing Format: Graphic Novel
Format Notes:  
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Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Ravager [Radion]; Misty Knight

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Lee Wing; Colleen Wing; Jeryn Hogarth (introduction); Princess Azir; Lt. Rafael Scarfe; Angar the Screamer (villain); Khumbala Bey (introduction, villain); Wendell Rand (illusion); Lei Kung, the Thunderer (illusion)
Iron Fist arrives at the Wings to discover Colleen missing and Lee raving like a mad man; Danny and Scarfe try to track down Colleen but are assaulted by illusions courtesy of Angar; Beating Angar down, Iron Fist discovers a Stark International i.d. card on the villain and figures the company is behind the disappearance of his friend.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Misty Knight; Colleen Wing; Lt. Rafael Scarfe; Angar, the Screamer (villain); Davos [Steel Serpent] (villain); Beyd (villain); Gamal Hassan (villain); Donald Cauley (introduction, villain); Khumbala Bey (cameo flashback)
Iron Fist breaks into Stark Industries looking for Colleen Wing. Instead he finds Misty Knight who is also searching for her friend. Tony Stark notices the intruders and Iron Man battles Iron Fist.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist (Origin details); GUESTS: Miranda Rand-Kai (introduction, Iron Fist's sister, flashback); Conal D'hu-Tsien (flashback); Colleen Wing; Lee Wing; Misty Knight; Lt. Rafael Scarfe; VILLAINS: Hylthri (introduction, flashback); Master Khan; Merrin (flashback); Tucos (flashback); Kemal; Gamal Hassan
As Iron Fist sits at the hospital bedside of Lee Wing, he thinks back on another incident in K'un-Lun where he failed other friends and faced the plant-like H'ylthri for the first time. Misty learns that one of Collen's captors is willing to turn on his master and Misty and Danny prepare to fly to London for the meet.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Misty Knight; Dr. Monahan; Michael Kramer (death); Dominique Cordier (death); The Ravager [Radion] (villain)
Danny and Misty are flying into Heathrow Airport to try and get a lead on Misty's whereabouts when their plane crash lands courtesy of the Ravager. Iron Fist and Misty battle the armored villain but Misty is badly wounded in the fight and her bionic arm is wrecked. Rather than try to find Colleen as Misty wants, Iron Fist feels responsible for tracking down the Ravager and saving the city of London. Iron Fist uses his iron fist to ruin the Ravager's armor and he takes it off, revealing himself to be the highly radioactive Radion.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Misty Knight; Dr. Monahan; Radion [Henri Sorel; The Ravager] (Origin in flashback, villain, death); Davos [Steel Serpent] (villain); Joy Meachum (villain); Ward Meachum (villain); Yu-Ti (cameo); Heather Rand (cameo); Puppet Master (cameo flashback); The Thing (cameo flashback); Thor (cameo flashback)
Iron Fist battles Radion and is able to defeat him by using research he created back before he was transformed into a radioactive monster by agents of Ward Meachum.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Colleen Wing; Alan Cavanaugh (introduction); Master Khan (villain); Angar the Screamer (villain); Scimitar (introduction, villain); Walker (introduction, villain); Rakim (villain); Gamal Hassan (cameo, dead)
Still in London looking for Colleen, Iron Fist saves Alan Cavanaugh from Walker and his boys. The two try to take a meeting with Gamal Hassan only to find him strung up and dead and the Scimitar lying in wait. In the clutches of Master Kahn, Colleen has been brainwashed by Angar into hating Iron Fist.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
? (left blank)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist (Origin details); Colleen Wing; Misty Knight; Yu-Ti; Lei Kung, the Thunderer; Jeryn Hogarth; Master Khan (villain); Angar the Screamer (villain); Shakirah (cameo flashback, introduction, Wendell Rand's first wife); Wendell Rand (cameo flashback); Alan Cavanaugh (cameo flashback); Lee Wing (cameo flashback); Lt. Rafael Scarfe (cameo flashback)
On his flight to Master Kahn's fortress with Misty Knight, Danny learns from his father's lawyer, Jeryn Hogarth, that he is a very rich man. Back in K'un-Lun, the Thunderer catches Yu-Ti spying on Iron Fist in a giant crystal. Iron Fist finally finds Colleen but she has been brainwashed into hating him and attacks. While battling one of his closest friends and being assaulted by Angar's mindstorm, Iron Fist is able to break Colleen's conditioning by using his powers to meld minds with her. This saps all of his remaining strength and he is assaulted by Khan's goons.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
martial arts, superhero
Iron Fist
Iron Fist; Colleen Wing; Misty Knight; Jeryn Hogarth; Yu-Ti; Master Khan (villain); Angar the Screamer (villain); Khumbala Bey (villain); Lee Wing (cameo flashback); Alan Cavanaugh (cameo flashback); Lt. Rafael Scarfe (cameo flashback)
Colleen now free of her brainwashing by Angar, she and Iron Fist battle Khan's goons and Khumbala Bey. With all of his men down, Master Khan finds he has to use all of his magic to fight off Iron Fist. He turns the tables by opening a portal to K'un-Lun and offering Danny a free trip home. He also reveals that Yu-Ti usurped the throne that rightfully belonged to Danny's father and had a hand in his parents' death. Confused and angry, Iron Fist shatters the portal and Khan is sucked into the dimensional door. Collen decides to forgive Danny for invading her mind and witnessing her every secret.

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