Presumably at the direction of the Comics Code Authority, numerous changes have been made to this story, reprinted from Colossal Features #33. Gunfire smoke, sound effects, and dialogue have been removed or altered to appear less violent. The entire first page of Chapter Three, where Cody is apparently pierced by an Indian arrow in the last panel of Chapter Two, has been redrawn and re-dialogued so that the arrow misses Cody entirely. The last panel of Chapter Two in this expurgated version just shows an arrow flying through the air.
According to an article by Michael Ambrose in Charlton Spotlight #4, Morisi notes that he did some work in this issue: "one page, I hate to admit, is mine. Pencils inks and lettering. Other pages had "bits and pieces of my stuff, a head here, and some inking there...". My guess is that Morisi did the complete art on page 2.
Reprint Notes:
The first page does not reprint the first page from Colossal Features Magazine #33. The new artwork is possibly by Pete Morisi (see earlier note).