That this story rather abruptly stops without any real ending is attributable to the fact that it appears to be the beginning of a much longer story covering the entire "history" of the Civil War, drawn by Check and penned by an unknown author. Given the style of the lettering, as well as the panel composition/bordering, it was most likely part of the inventory that Charlton purchased from Magazine Enterprises in 1954-5 (check "Tell it to the Marines" for stylistic comparison). The very end of this longer story, "Lee's Surrender at Appomattox," appears in Charlton's Fightin' Marines #26 (August 1958). "The Fighting Man," which appears in Atlas' Battlefront #43 (November 1956) is also by Check and may well be part of the same underlying work, although if so it has been pretty thoroughly reworked by Atlas production to make it more consistent with their "look." No other segments of this longer story have as yet been either tentatively or positively identified.