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Issue: Valentine #90
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagIPC
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: The Amalgamated Press, Ltd.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Pages: 36
Price: 4.0 pence GBQ 0-0-4
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Content Items: 7 (7 stories, 0 covers)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Black and white
Dimensions: 195mm x 230mm (1960s); 220mm x 300mm (1970s)
Paper Stock: Newsprint
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Ongoing series
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Cover, Front
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Digital Edition
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Title Page
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The Charm of You

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Polly; Aunt Mary; Hector
I said... do you mind if I take a photo of you?
While staying with her Aunt Mary, Polly sees a handsome sentry and asks if she can take a photo of him. He is not allowed to speak, but a policeman assures her that she can take his photo. However, before she can get ready there is a changing of the guard and she loses her chance to get the photo. She spends the rest of her visit trying to find that soldier.
The cover serves as the first page of the lead story.
Don't Say Goodbye

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Maurice Skye (signed)
Maurice Skye (signed)
Subject Matter
Emergency Ward 10
Gordon; Patrick; Pauline
Folks come from miles around to see my dainty little foot!
When visiting her brother who has a broken leg, Pauline glances away for an instant and sees Patrick in another bed. Seeing him again whirls her back to that night of her first dance when he had swept her off her feet. Five weeks later, she saw him kissing another girl and using the same romantic line that he had used on her. As she sees him now kissing another girl, Pauline realizes that he hasn't changed a bit and neither has she - she still loves him.
Story 'inspired' by the song title "Don't Say Goodbye", sung by Alan Fielding.

Blurb at the end of the sequence states: "You can read the end of this dramatic romance next week."

Artist's signature is on Gordon's cast in the first panel.
The Better to Love You

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Candy Carson; Belinda Rivers; John Rivers; Mrs. Burton
Miss Carson, why aren't you in love?
When one of her students asks her why she isn't in love, Candy gets drawn into the little girl's life. Candy discovers that the girl's father is a widower and he is trying to turn Belinda into the image of her mother.
Story 'inspired' by the song title "The Better to Love You", sung by Ray Burns.
Freddie Mills and Christine

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
biography, romantic
Living Love Stories
Christine Broadribb; Freddie Mills
The first boxing match I ever saw was at Bournemouth when I was a kid... I went with my brother...
Biographical history of the relationship between boxer Freddie Mills and his manager's daughter, Christine.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Joan; Gavin; Fay; George
Joan! I haven't seen you for ages! But where did you dig up that awful swimsuit?
In May, Joan gives in to temptation and buys a bikini for the summer. However, before her summer begins, Gavin breaks up with her. She doesn't feel like going out and for various reasons, she never gets to wear the bikini. Then on the last day at the lido she decides to go, but forgets to pack her bikini and has to hire a more conservative suit. She thinks it is a symbol of her worst summer ever until she meets George who thinks bikinis make girls look cheap.
Story 'inspired' by the song title "Temptation", sung by Bing Crosby.
Over the Rainbow

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
José Carlos ?
José Carlos ?
Subject Matter
Tessa Littleday; Teddy Trimble; James Murdoch; Susie; Desiree
Oh! It's you!
Tessa has rented a houseboat named 'East Wind' on the river, but her jealous female neighbors make her feel very unwelcome. James asks her out, but fearing the venom of little Susie, Tessa declines. That night when the dazzling fireworks light the river magically, she casts caution aside and slips into her swimsuit.
Story 'inspired' by the song title "Over the Rainbow", sung by Frank Sinatra.

Blurb at the end of the sequence states: "Next week: The Carnival... and What Came After!"
You Made Me Love You

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jordi Longarón [as Longaron] (signed)
Jordi Longarón [as Longaron] (signed)
Subject Matter
Sue Summers; Dennis
Quick! let me use that!
As a man grabs the phone out of her hand to report an accident, Sue thinks back to how she meet Dennis last summer when he had rescued her hat. Although she sensed his mother didn't like her, she fell in love with Dennis. However, she had been shocked when he told her his firm was sending him to Scotland and he wouldn't have time for a wife. She promised to see him off, but had to work late and now it was too late to phone for a taxi. The man reporting the accident listened to her story and drove her to the station where she discovers the real truth about Dennis.
Story 'inspired' by the song title "You Made me Love You", sung by Judy Garland.

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