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Issue: Pat Sullivan's Felix the Cat #108
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagHarvey
Indicia Publisher: Harvey Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 12/15/1959
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 14 (8 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: A "dreams" or "sleeping" theme runs through the entire issue, with the exception of the "Tee Vee Serial" and the "Inky and Dinky" story.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Felix's Dream Girl

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Felix the Cat; Princess Stardust of Dreamland
Felix has pleasant dreams of being kissed by Princess Stardust of Dreamland.
New cover illustrating a reprinted interior story.

Credits from Michael Morgan via the GCD Error Tracker.
Hammock Havoc

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Felix the Cat; Inky; Dinky; Kitty
Now to try out my latest invention!
Inky and Dinky rev-up Felix's "automatic hammock rocker" to high speed.
According to Felix expert and historian David Gerstein, author of "Nine Lives to Live a Classic Felix Celebration by Otto Messmer" (1996, Fantagraphics Books), Messmer did some pencil art during the Harvey run - but with different inkers, so his work here less reflects his more classic works of the newspaper strip and the Dell and Toby Press comics. Per indexer's personal conversation with David Gerstein (2022).
Everyone Loves the Fabulous Sad Sack and his Funny Friends

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Harvey Comics; Sad Sack
Sad Sack; Sadie Sack; Sgt. Circle; General Rockjaw
Gee, friends, thanks for reading my book.
Harvey Comics house ad for the Sad Sack family of titles. Top half of page.
HI, Friends! We're Starting to Work for Harvey!

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Mutt; Jeff; Cicero's Cat
We'll have to hurry, Mutt! Millions of our friends want to see our first new Mutt & Jeff!
Harvey Comics house ad for Mutt and Jeff. Lower half of page.

Ad says:
Look for Mutt & Jeff
Ask for Mutt & Jeff
Laff with Mutt & Jeff

First issue: "Mutt & Jeff No 166, Feb. On Sale Nov. 12th Tell Your Friends!"
Sweet Dreams

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Felix the Cat; Princess Stardust of Dreamland; various inhabitants of Dreamland; cat-loathing lady; Dreamland soldier; King of Dreamland; the Royal Wake-Upper (sharp-beaked bird)
Cold, hungry and homeless! I feel like the most miserable cat on the face of the earth!
Felix gulps down a dose of "Magic Sleeping Water" and is welcomed into the pleasant wonders of Dreamland, until rudely awakened by an angry cat-loathing lady. The "drinking, sleeping, dreaming, and rude awakening" series of events repeats two more times. Then, drinking a FOURTH helping of the "Magic Sleeping Water" and returning to Dreamland, Felix finds that he has "used-up" the number of times he is allowed to visit Dreamland in a single day. The King of Dreamland orders him to be expelled.
A reworking of many of the elements of the story "Cold-Cold Discomfort" in Felix the Cat Winter Annual (Toby, 1954 Series) #2 (Winter 1954), which was reformatted from a 1934 continuity of Otto Messmer's original Felix newspaper strips also dubbed "Cold-Cold Discomfort".

Messmer additionally reworked this concept (overstaying in Dreamland, nightmare ride, and all) into "Felix in Screamland" for Felix the Cat (Dell, 1948 Series) #11 (October-November 1949).

The panels in which Felix is seen in the "real world" are conventionally rectangle or square shaped. Those in which he is in Dreamland have soft, fluffy corner edges to them.

Part One of Three.
Two's a Crowd

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
George Giraffe; Edwina Elephant
George Giraffe stuck his head out of his kitchen window.
Annoyed by neighbors, George Giraffe builds a 25-foot brick wall around his house.

Statement of Ownership  on  Interior Page(s)
Harvey's Lucky Rabbit Foot

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Harvey Hare (a snow-shoe rabbit); other rabbits
Little Harvey Hare was a snow-shoe rabbit.
Harvey's huge hind feet prove to be valuable in a crisis.
Yes! Everyone Loves Little Dot

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Harvey Comics; Little Dot
Little Dot
Little Dot is on the spot with fun and laughs with the cutest stories...
Harvey Comics house ad for Little Dot. Lower 1/4 of page.
The Runaround

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Felix the Cat; King of Dreamland; royal blacksmith of Dreamland; Dreamland soldiers; Princess Stardust of Dreamland
We must rid Dreamland of this cat! Summon the Royal Blacksmith!
The King of Dreamland tries various ways to expel Felix from Dreamland but, thanks to his huge last dose of "Magic Sleeping Water", the cat remains firmly put. When the entire Dreamland army charges against Felix, he hopes to get away on a horse from the Dreamland Stables. Unfortunately, the horse he chooses is a "night-mare" which carries him into the air and, in rapid succession, turns into a dragon, an octopus, a shark, and a description-defying elongated sea monster. After finally escaping, Felix accidently wanders into the sector of Dreamland called "Nightmare Land".
A reworking of many of the elements of the story "Cold-Cold Discomfort" in Felix the Cat Winter Annual (Toby, 1954 Series) #2 (Winter 1954), which was reformatted from a 1934 continuity of Otto Messmer's original Felix newspaper strips also dubbed "Cold-Cold Discomfort".

Messmer additionally reworked this concept (overstaying in Dreamland, nightmare ride, and all) into "Felix in Screamland" for Felix the Cat (Dell, 1948 Series) #11 (October-November 1949).

With the exception of the opening splash, the panels in which Felix is seen in the "real world" are conventionally rectangle or square shaped. Those in which he is in Dreamland have soft, fluffy corner edges to them.

Part Two of Three.
Nightmare Land

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Felix the Cat; nightmare goon; nightmare ocean wave; cat-loathing lady; Princess Stardust of Dreamland; doctor
G-golly, this is a spooky-looking place!
Felix experiences the horrors of "Nightmare Land", with the efforts of the cat-loathing lady to revive him tying directly into his different nightmares.
A reworking of many of the elements of the story "Cold-Cold Discomfort" in Felix the Cat Winter Annual (Toby, 1954 Series) #2 (Winter 1954), which was reformatted from a 1934 continuity of Otto Messmer's original Felix newspaper strips also dubbed "Cold-Cold Discomfort".

Messmer additionally reworked this concept (overstaying in Dreamland, nightmare ride, and all) into "Felix in Screamland" for Felix the Cat (Dell, 1948 Series) #11 (October-November 1949).

With the exception of the opening splash, the panels in which Felix is seen in the "real world" are conventionally rectangle or square shaped. Those in which he is in Dreamland have soft, fluffy corner edges to them.

Part Three of Three.
We Know the Big Sponsor on TV!!!

Advertisement (Comic Format)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
ABC Television Network; Funday Funnies
Casper; Harvey Jack-in-the-Box; Little Audrey; Baby Huey; Katnip; Herman; Buzzy
Do you know?? Guess!..
The stars of the former Paramount theatrical cartoons line up to tell you about their new TV show - Funday Funnies.
Ad for ABC-TV's Funday Funnies series, which presented Paramount animated short subjects, the stars of which were since acquired and published in comic book form by Harvey Comics. Aired Sundays at 5:00 pm and sponsored by Mattel Toys.
Tightrope Escape

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Felix the Cat; wild jungle animals; tropical bird
Felix is trapped aboard an abandoned ship filled with wild, hungry animals.
Trapped between an octopus and a pack of wild jungle animals, Felix devises a clever but temporary escape. Still endangered by the hungry animals, he later attaches a line to a large tropical bird, setting the bird free to escape the ship and find a new (and hopefully safer) landing spot. When the line goes taut, indicating that the bird has landed, Felix walks the line tightrope style heading toward whatever awaits.
Art and coloring simulate a black-and-white television program. Continued from issue #107 and continued in issue #109.

A reworking of several of the elements of a story titled "Felix the Cat Modern Jonah" in Felix the Cat Winter Annual (Toby, 1954 Series) #2 (Winter 1954), which was reformatted from an original Otto Messmer Felix newspaper strip continuity of the 1930s.
Rodeo D'oh!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Inky; Dinky; various rodeo performers
Golly, Inky! A real live rodeo!
Inky and Dinky wreak havoc at a rodeo, while just trying to sneak a peek.
Breaks with the issue's overall theme of "dreams" and "sleeping".

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