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Issue: The Friendly Ghost, Casper #95
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagHarvey
Indicia Publisher: Harvey Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 04/15/1966
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.12 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 9 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: On-sale date from 1966 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age US; later standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Ghost Rider

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Marshal Goody; Marshal Goody's horse
Using his ghostly power of levitation, Casper startles Marshal Goody by riding an empty saddle.
Feeling Bad

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; The Ghostly Trio [Fatso; Fusso; Lazo]
Gee... I sure feel bad...
The Ghostly Trio misinterpret Casper's "feel[ing] bad".

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; The Ghostly Trio [Fatso; Fusso; Lazo]; Marshal Goody; TV horse; squirrels
Well... that's the last of the gunslingers! From now on this town will have law and order!
While watching a TV western, the Trio boo Marshal Goody out of the television set. On a miniature horse (taken from Casper's portable set), he tries to bring law and order to the forest.
Part 1 of 3.

GOOD BIT: Marshal Goody faces the dilemma of being a television character in the "real" world. He wants to bring his horse through in the same way he arrived, but he must tune in to his own TV show to do so.

MARSHALL GOODY: "Whar's a TV magazine, Casper? I'll see what time my show is on! -- Sufferin' cactus! I'm not on until NEXT WEEK!
CASPER: "Don't let that worry you! There are lots of OTHER westerns!"

MARSHALL GOODY: "Say, now! My friend on the 'CREDENZA' show has a fine cayuse!"
CASPER: "Good!"

MARSHALL GOODY: "Wait a minute! Are you suggesting I RUSTLE my friend's hoss?"
CASPER: "Of course not, Marshal Goody! Maybe you could just BORROW it!"

MARSHALL GOODY: "Hmmm... It wouldn't look right to borrow Old Man Cartwheel's Hoss! But if I borrowed one from one of his TWENTY-FIVE SONS... It might never be missed!"

The western TV show "CREDENZA" is a parody reference to the NBC TV western series "BONANZA" (1959-1973) about rancher Ben Cartwright and his three sons.

The line "It wouldn't look right to borrow Old Man Cartwheel's Hoss!" is an additional gag reference as one of Ben Cartwright's sons was nicknamed Hoss".

While he neither looks nor acts the part, Marshal Goody might also be inspired by the character of Marshal Matt Dillon of the CBS TV western series "GUNSMOKE" (1955-1975).
A-BOOS-ment Park

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Ghostly Trio [Fatso; Fusso; Lazo]
Look, fellows! A carnival!
Finding a carnival that has not yet opened, the Trio try to scare inanimate objects.
The Big Pink Six-Gun

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Marshal Goody; Gilly Gopher; Cowardly Ogre; Wendy the Good Little Witch
Hey, you! Pull me in, in the name of the law!
Marshal Goody pulls a giant pink six-gun from Gilly Gopher's oversized color TV, but loses it to the Cowardly Ogre.
Part 2 of 3.
Law and Order

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Wendy the Good Little Witch; The Ghostly Trio [Fatso; Fusso; Lazo]; Marshal Goody; white rabbit; three western ghosts
Sheriff! Come quick! You must stop them before it's too late!
Casper, with the big pink six-gun, finds the Ghostly Trio in battle with three western ghosts who, after they accidentally subdue themselves, are taken back to Television Land by Marshal Goody.
Part 3 of 3.
The Fire Monsters

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Wendy the Good Little Witch; Melvin Elf; Butch Bruin; Thunderhead Rumble
It was the hottest day of the year.
Casper enlists Thunderhead Rumble to help fight off the fire riders from Fire Mountain.
Granny Groan

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Spooky; Wanda the Witch
What better way to start the day than by throwing a scare into Wanda the Witch!
After Spooky gives her a scare, Wanda the Witch tries to get back at him by pretending to be his old nurse, Granny Groan.
One Moose Band

Advertisement (Comic Format)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
General Mills; Cheerios; Rocky and Bullwinkle
Rocky the Flying Squirrel; Bullwinkle J. Moose
You and Cheerios really make sweet music together, Bullwinkle!
One-man-marching-band Bullwinkle eats Cheerios for “muscle-makin’ protein” and one-man-marches himself right down a manhole.
One of a series of Cheerios ads featuring Rocky and Bullwinkle. On final interior page of the comic.

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