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Issue: Adventure Comics #348
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagDC
On Sale Date: 07/28/1966
Volume: none
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.12 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 6 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Mort Weisinger; E. Nelson Bridwell (assistant editor, uncredited)
Disclose Notes: On-sale date from copyright registration.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age U.S.; standard Silver Age U.S.; standard Modern Age U.S.; digest (5" x 6.75") (#491-503)
Paper Stock: glossy cover (#32-490); cardstock cover (#491-503); newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched; squarebound (#390, 416, 491-503)
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Target -- 21 Legionnaires!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Curt Swan
George Klein
Ira Schnapp
Subject Matter
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Legion of Super-Heroes [Invisible Kid; Superboy; Cosmic Boy (statuette); Phantom Girl (statuette); Sun Boy (statuette); Duo Damsel (statuette); Colossal Boy (statuette)]; Dr. Regulus
FlagSuperboy #4/1967 published April 1967
as Målet er å utrydde Superlegionen [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagThe Legion of Super-Heroes Archives #5 published November 1994
as Target-- 21 Legionnaires! [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagShowcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 published June 2008
as Adventure Comics #348 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
Target-- 21 Legionnaires! Part 1: And Then There Were None!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jim Shooter
Jim Shooter (layouts); George Papp (pencils)
George Papp
Milton Snapinn
Subject Matter
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Legion of Super-Heroes [Cosmic Boy; Duo Damsel; Colossal Boy; Superboy; Invisible Kid; Phantom Girl; Brainiac 5; Sun Boy]; Dr. Regulus
After Invisible Kid is elected new Legion leader, the Legion performs at a charity benefit where Sun Boy is hurt and loses his memory. But it may not be an accident, but rather the work of Dr. Regulus, who has taken Legion headquarters right out of the ground.
FlagSuperboy #4/1967 published April 1967
as Og så var de ingen! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagSuperman Supacomic #93 published May 1967
as Target - 21 Legionnaires Part 1: And Then There Were None! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagDC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #22 [Direct] published June 1982
as Target-- 21 Legionnaires! Part 1: And Then There Were None! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagThe Legion of Super-Heroes Archives #5 published November 1994
as Target-- 21 Legionnaires! Part 1: And Then There Were None! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagThe Legion of Super-Heroes Archives #5 published November 1994
as Part II: Birds in a Golden Cage [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagShowcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 published June 2008
as Target -- 21 Legionnaires! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Inspired by the poem "Ten Little Indians."
Get Hip to Old Folks!

Public Service Announcement  on  Interior Page(s)
Jack Schiff
Sheldon Moldoff
Sheldon Moldoff
Ira Schnapp
Subject Matter

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Direct Currents

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Legion Outpost
Letters from Michael Greene, Susan Wallace, Martin Walsh, John Deckert, Brian Alleman, Herb Grant, and Les Rosen.
Part II: Birds in a Golden Cage

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jim Shooter
Jim Shooter (layouts); George Papp (pencils)
George Papp
Milton Snapinn
Subject Matter
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Legion of Super-Heroes [Cosmic Boy; Superboy; Invisible Kid; Phantom Girl; Duo Damsel; Colossal Boy; Brainiac 5; Sun Boy]; Dr. Regulus
The Legionnaires trace their purloined headquarters to Dr. Regulus' spaceship, but it takes Sun Boy to bring him down.

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