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Issue: Casper Strange Ghost Stories #2
Publication Date: January 1975
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagHarvey
Indicia Publisher: Harvey Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 48
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.35 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 8 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: Interior comic content is all reprint, but with a new cover.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: newsprint
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Issue Images shown with red borders indicate an image externally marked for replacement.
The End of Gravity!!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost
The whole world is falling up... in one of the strangest Casper adventures of all... The End of Gravity!!
Casper, and other persons and things fall up, away from the Earth.
New cover illustrating a reprinted interior story.
The House that was a Spaceship

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; The Ghostly Trio [Fatso; Fusso; Lazo]; Aunt Naggie; mission control crew; Saturnians
Casper's always fussing around the house!
Casper's Aunt Naggie, an ornery old spinster neat freak of a ghost, comes to visit, prompting The Ghostly Trio to get out while the ghostly getting is good. Nothing seems to please Aunt Naggie, who refuses to stay in Casper and the Trio's house calling it a dump. She finds fault with any other accommodation Casper presents to her, deciding to stay in a neat, new "lighthouse" she saw on the way over - which is, in reality, an unmanned rocket set to probe the planet Saturn. Casper and Aunt Naggie blast off, as the Saturnians eagerly anticipate the approaching spacecraft.
Part 1 of 2.

A rare instance of a two-part Casper lead story, rather than the usual three-parters.
Ghostly Relations

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Aunt Naggie; mission control crew; Saturnians
Saturn! That's where we're heading, Aunt Naggie!
Monitoring Casper and Aunt Naggie's unintentional flight, the Saturnians eagerly await the arrival of Earthmen, but neither the travelers nor their hosts turn out to be what was expected.
Part 2 of 2.

A rare instance of a two-part Casper lead story, rather than the usual three-parters.

Aunt Naggie is nothing if not a dedicated neat freak, as seen in her reaction to the ghosts' accidental destination:

CASPER: "SATURN! That's where we're heading, Aunt Naggie!"
AUNT NAGGIE: "That RING looks messy!"
The End of Gravity

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Wendy the Good Little Witch; The Witch Sisters [Velma; Zelma; Thelma]; Joe (guy falling-up); Gus (guy falling-up); various town citizens falling-up; various Enchanted Forest citizens and animals falling-up; Beelo; General; Beelo's people (soldiers); Lieutenant Fub
Wow! What's going on?
When gravity stops working, and people and things suddenly start "falling-up", Casper discovers that it's because a little boy named Beelo has escaped from his world and his people are searching for him. Casper agrees to help him.
Part 1 of 3.

In an uncharacteristic moment of "depth" and ambiguity, Casper wonders if he is doing the right thing by helping Beelo and not returning him to his people.

CASPER (thinking) 1: "They must have a machine [at their disposal] that STOPS GRAVITY! If I return Beelo to them, they might TURN OFF that machine!

CASPER (thinking) 2: "But Beelo TRUSTS me! How can I betray him?"

Not something you'd see every day from an unquestioningly positive character like Casper.
Beelo is Captured

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; Beelo; General; Beelo's people (soldiers); Lieutenant Fub; ogre-like monster; multi-armed no-legged monster; giant fly swatter monster
Hurry, Beelo! They're carrying off all the houses 'cause they think you're in one of them!
While on the run, Casper gives Beelo a taste of our world, highlighted by a visit to an empty amusement park - empty because all the people are floating high and weightlessly. At the park Beelo is captured by his people to be returned home and, when Casper follows, he discovers that Beelo's world is below the surface of the earth. In a subterranean passage, he encounters some very strange monsters.
Part 2 of 3.
Beelo's World

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Casper the Friendly Ghost; giant fly swatter monster; Beelo; guards; King; Prime Minister; Wendy the Good Little Witch; The Witch Sisters [Velma; Zelma; Thelma]; various citizens returning to earth; amusement park patrons
Escaping the giant fly swatter monster and avoiding a number of subterranean traps, Casper locates Beelo in the underground kingdom of his people, the Gravitonians, a race of small, green-skinned people that can control gravity. The pair escape, but Beelo is recaptured. Casper finds Beelo's father, the king of Gravitonia, and convinces him to let Beelo visit the upper world for an annual vacation in exchange for restoring gravity. Eventually, Casper, Beelo, and the King visit the again empty amusement park. The people are back on the ground but have fled the park at the sight of Casper.
Part 3 of 3.
The Invaders

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Spooky the Tuff Little Ghost; three other ghosts; E-Z Shop Supermarket complaint manager
Wow! It's got to be an oithquake!
Spooky wakes one day to find that a new E-Z Shop Supermarket is being built on the site of his haunted house. Traveling to the E-Z Shop corporate headquarters, he gets the business from the manager of the complaint department, who is unfazed by ghosts.
Part 1 of 2.

A rare instance of a two-part Spooky backup story, rather than the stand-alone five-pagers.
They Couldn't Be Stopped, But...

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, humorous
Spooky the Tuff Little Ghost; E-Z Shop Supermarket president's secretary; E-Z Shop Supermarket president; various E-Z Shop Supermarket employees; shopping mom
What d'you know... He's out as cold as ice!
Spooky escalates his grievance to the president of E-Z Shop Supermarkets, who is equally unfazed by ghosts.
Part 2 of 2.

A rare instance of a two-part Spooky backup story, rather than the stand-alone five-pagers.

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