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Issue: Croisade Cosmique #1
Publication Date: ?
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagSemic S.A.
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
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On Sale Date: (not set)
Pages: ?
Price: 28,50₣ FRF
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Content Items: 3 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Couleurs
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Publishing Format: Série limité [Limited series]
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Cover, Front
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Digital Edition
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Title Page
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
Goddess; Jean Grey; Puck; Silver Surfer; Rogue; Human Torch; Thanos; Invisible Woman; Spider-Man; Archangel; Wolfsbane [Rahne]; Wolverine; The Thing; Psylocke; Hulk; Dr. Strange; Storm; Moon Knight; Vision; Cyclops; Iron Man; Captain America; Quicksilver; Silhouette; Gamora; Adam Warlock; Mr. Fantastic; She-Hulk; Moondragon; Daredevil; Thor; Guido

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
HEROES: Infinity Watch [Adam Warlock; Drax the Destroyer; Maxam; Pip]; Avengers [Iron Man; Vision; She-Hulk; Spider-Woman [Julia Carpenter]; Rage]; Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic; Human Torch; The Thing]; X-Men [Professor X; Cyclops; Wolverine; Forge; Psylocke; Iceman; Beast]; New Warriors [Night Thrasher; Nova; Speedball]; X-Factor [Havok; Polaris]; Alpha Flight [Guardian [Heather Hudson]; Wildheart [Wildchild]; Northstar]; Hulk; Eternity; GODDESS' HEROES: Moondragon; Gamora; Living Lightning; Sasquatch; Black Knight [Dane Whitman]; Namorita; Silhouette; Hercules; Storm; Jean Grey; Archangel; Sersi; Invisible Woman; Daredevil; Spider-Man; Quicksilver; Hercules; Captain America; Puck; Shaman; Talisman; Windshear; Silver Surfer; Thor; Sleepwalker; Crystal; Wonder Man; Firelord; U.S.Agent; Multiple Man; Wolfsbane [Rahne]; Scarlet Witch; Moon Knight; VILLAINS: The Goddess; Mephisto
Adam Warlock senses a cosmic disturbance and contacts Eternity to talk about it. Eternity rebuffs him and he is then confronted by his good half, the Goddess, who zaps him away. The most spiritual-minded of the heroes of earth are contacted by the Goddess and asked to join in her crusade for universal enlightenment. They join her quest and are teleported away, leaving confused teammates behind. As the remaining heroes gather to try and figure out where their missing companions have gone, the Goddess forms a planet and Paradise Omega for her followers.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Marvel Heroes
HEROES: Infinity Watch [Adam Warlock; Drax the Destroyer; Maxam; Pip]; Avengers [Iron Man; Vision; She-Hulk; Spider-Woman [Julia Carpenter]; Rage]; Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic; Human Torch; The Thing]; X-Men [Professor X; Cyclops; Wolverine; Forge; Psylocke; Iceman; Beast]; New Warriors [Night Thrasher; Nova; Speedball; Firestar]; X-Factor [Havok; Polaris]; Alpha Flight [Guardian [Heather Hudson]; Wildheart [Wildchild]; Northstar; Aurora]; Hulk; Nomad [Jack Monroe]; GODDESS' HEROES: Moondragon; Gamora; Living Lightning; Sasquatch; Black Knight [Dane Whitman]; Namorita; Silhouette; Hercules; Storm; Jean Grey; Archangel; Sersi; Invisible Woman; Daredevil; Spider-Man; Quicksilver; Hercules; Captain America; Puck; Shaman; Talisman; Windshear; Silver Surfer; Thor; Sleepwalker; Crystal; Wonder Man; Firelord; U.S.Agent; Multiple Man; Wolfsbane [Rahne]; Scarlet Witch; Moon Knight; VILLAIN: The Goddess
The Goddess introduces her followers to her own brand of galactic salvation and presents them with the Cosmic Egg. The heroes left behind begin to figure out what is going on and where their friends and allies have gone. Aurora reverts to her Jean-Marie persona and feels the pull of the Goddess. Cap, Vision and Iron Man accompany her in a Quinjet as she makes her way to Paradise Omega. The trio confronts the Goddess and her massive ploy of mind control for peace but is rebuffed and find themselves cast out of Paradise. They take the Quinjet to the moon to talk to the Watcher.

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