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Issue: Crisis on Infinite Earths #2
Publication Date: March 2002
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagSemic S.A.
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Éditions Semic
On Sale Date: 03/11/2002
Pages: 116
ISBN: 2914082541
UPC/EAN: 9782914082549
Price: €9,90 EUR (EU)
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Content Items: 4 (3 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: couleur [color]
Dimensions: 17 cm x 26 cm
Paper Stock: papier glacé [glossy paper]; couverture souple avec rabats [soft cover with cover flaps]
Binding: dos carré, broché [squarebound]
Publishing Format: mini-série [limited series]
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Legion of Super-Heroes [Shrinking Violet; Star Boy; Ultra Boy [Jo Nah]; Brainiac 5; Dawnstar]; New Teen Titans [Nightwing [Dick Grayson]; Jericho; Kole; Wonder Girl [Donna Troy]; Starfire [Koriand'r]; Changeling [Gar Logan]; Cyborg [Victor Stone]]; The Outsiders [Batman [Bruce Wayne] (Earth-1); Metamorpho; Halo; Black Lightning; Geo-Force; Katana]; Easy Company [Sgt. Rock; Bulldozer]; Justice League of America [Red Tornado [John Smith]; Firestorm; Superman (Earth-1); Wonder Woman (Earth-1); Hawkman [Katar Hol]; Hawkwoman [Shayera Thal]; Zatanna]; All-Star Squadron [Shining Knight; Firebrand [Danette Reilly]; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]]; Infinity Inc. [Northwind [Norda Cantrell]; Obsidian [Todd Rice]; Jade]; Justice Society of America [Superman [Kal-L] (Earth-2); Starman [Ted Knight]]; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El]; Batgirl [Barbara Gordon]; Mento [Steve Dayton]; John Constantine, Hellblazer; Pariah; Lord Volt (death); Princess Fern [Liana] (death); Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi] (introduction, origin); Lady Quark (introduction, origin); The Monitor (death); Harbinger [Lyla Michaels]; Alexander Luthor Jr.; Bat Lash; Johnny Thunder (Earth-1, Western hero); Bat Lash; Jonah Hex; Arion; Lady Chian; Dr. Polaris; Hippolyta; Scalphunter; Lori Lemaris; Ronal; Dolphin; Blue Devil [Dan Cassidy]; Air Wave [Hal Jordan]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]; Kamandi; Lt. Jeb Stuart; Swamp Thing; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Killer Frost [Louise Lincoln]; Vandal Savage; Anti-Monitor (in voice and silhouette form); Shadow demons (villains)
The beginnings of Earth-1's, Earth-2's, and an unnamed Earth's destructions are at hand as antimatter begins to engulf each world. Harbinger (possessed by the shadow demon in issue 2) attacks the Monitor and kills him as Pariah arrives in shock to see his dead body. But that was what the Monitor needed in order to carry out his plan to save two earths from his foe.
Le chapitre secret

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Justice Alliance [Flash; Batman; Robin; Hawkman; Hawkgirl; Wonder Woman; Atom; Aquaman; Superman; Supergirl; Martian Manhunter; Green Arrow] (Earth-D, intro); Challenger of the Unknown [Red Ryan; Rocky Davis; Ace Morgan; Prof. Haley]; Anti-Monitor; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Lord Volt (Earth-6); Lady Quark (Earth-6); Pariah; Firestorm; Supergirl; Shining Knight; Dawnstar; Superman (Earth-1); Flash [Barry Allen]; Iris West Allen; Captain Cold (image); Mirror Master (Earth-D); Hoshi Rei; Hank Rei; Mollusk the Marauder; Medulla; Starfire [Koriand'r]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]; Cyborg; Nightwing [Dick Grayson]; Batman (Earth-1); Green Lantern [Tagin Sur] (Earth-D); Guardians of the Universe (Earth-D); Green Lantern [José Hernandez] (Earth-D); Red Tornado; Colossal Boy; The Mist; Plastic Man; Star Sapphire; Mon-El; Atom [Al Pratt]; Alexander Luthor Jr.; Batman (Earth-1); Clayface [Matt Hagen]; Hawkman [Katar Hol]; Ragman; Hawkwoman [Shayera Thal]; Flash [Jay Garrick]; Power Girl; Kid Flash [Wally West]; Jade; Sgt. Rock; Mercury; Obsidian; Dr. Fate; Spectre [Jim Corrigan]; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Changeling [Gar Logan]; Hourman [Rex Tyler]; Blackhawk; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Dream Girl; Brainiac 5; Dolphin; Nuklon; Elongated Man; Wonder Woman (Earth-1); Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Robin (Earth-2); Phantom Stranger; Swamp Thing; Easy Company (Wildman and others); Solomon Grundy; Aquaman; Riddler; Black Lightning; Robotman [Cliff Steele]; Amazing-Man; Captain Comet; Deathstroke the Terminator; Sun Boy; Creeper; Kamandi; Platinum; Sea Devils (including Judy Watson); Bouncing Boy; Duo Damsel; Wonder Girl; Martian Manhunter [J'onn J'onzz]; Batgirl [Barbara Gordon]; Lead; Plasmus
Heroes from Earth-1 try to help the Justice Alliance of Earth-D save its world.
An untold story of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Mondes en sursis

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Sea Devils [Nicky Walton; Judy Walton; Dane Dorrance; Biff Bailey]; New Teen Titans [Changeling [Gar Logan]; Cyborg [Victor Stone]; Wonder Girl [Donna Troy]; Kole; Jericho; Starfire [Koriand'r]; Nightwing [Dick Grayson]; Aqualad [Garth]; Aquagirl [Tula]; Dove [Don Hall]; Red Star]; Metal Men [Platinum; Gold; Mercury; Tin; Lead; Iron]; Legion of Super-Heroes [Blok; Element Lad; Dream Girl [Nura Nal]; Ultra Boy [Jo Nah]; Brainiac 5; Shrinking Violet; Shadow Lass; Phantom Girl [Tinya Wazzo]; Colossal Boy [Gim Allon]; Lightning Lad [Garth Ranzz]; Saturn Girl [Imra Ardeen]; Bouncing Boy; Duo Damsel [Luornu Durgo]; Chameleon Boy [Reep Daggle]; Sun Boy; Cosmic Boy [Rokk Krinn]; Mon-El [Lar Gand]; Star Boy [Thom Kallor]; Wildfire; Timber Wolf; Lightning Lass; Dawnstar; Invisible Kid [Jacques Foccart]]; Freedom Fighters [Black Condor [Richard Grey Jr]; Uncle Sam; Human Bomb [Roy Lincoln]; Phantom Lady [Sandra Knight]; The Ray [Happy Terrill]; Doll Man [Darrell Dane]]; Green Lantern Corps [Green Lantern [Arisia]; Green Lantern [Katma Tui]; Green Lantern [Tomar Re]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]]; Legion of Substitute-Heroes [Polar Boy; Chlorophyll Kid]; The Outsiders [Katana [Tatsu Yamashiro]; Metamorpho [Rex Mason]; Black Lightning [Jefferson Pierce]; Halo [Gabrielle Doe]; Geo-Force [Brion Markov]]; Infinity Inc. [Nuklon [Albert Rothstein]; Brainwave Jr. [Henry King Jr]; Fury [Lyta Trevor]; Silver Scarab [Hector Hall]; Jade [Jennie-Lynn Hayden]; Obsidian [Todd Rice]; Star-Spangled Kid [Sylvester Pemberton]]; Easy Company [Sgt. Rock; Worry Wart; 4-Eyes; Little Sure Shot; Short Round; Long Round; Bulldozer; Wildman; Jackie Johnson; Ice Cream Soldier]; Blackhawks [Blackhawk; Andre; Stanislaus]; Challengers of the Unknown [Red Ryan; Rocky Davis; June Robbins; Prof. Haley]; Fearsome Five [Shimmer; Mammoth; Gizmo]; Red Tornado [John Smith]; Flash [Barry Allen]; Batman (Earth-1); Justice League of America [JLA; Hawkman [Katar Hol]; Hawkwoman [Shayera Thal]; Zatanna; Superman (Earth-1); Aquaman; Elongated Man [Ralph Dibny]; Phantom Stranger; Green Arrow (Earth-1); Firestorm; Wonder Woman (Earth-1); Martian Manhunter [J'onn J'onzz]; Gypsy [Cindy Reynolds]; Black Canary [Dinah Laurel Lance]; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Adam Strange; Vibe [Paco Ramone]; Steel [Hank Heywood III]]; Justice Society of America [JSA; Huntress [Helena Wayne]; Power Girl [Kara Zor-L]; Spectre [Jim Corrigan]; Johnny Thunder (Earth-2); Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt; Superman [Kal-L] (Earth-2); Flash [Jay Garrick]; Wonder Woman [Diana Prince Trevor] (Earth-2); Robin (Earth-2)]; All-Star Squadron [Dr. Fate; Firebrand [Danette Reilly]; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Atom [Al Pratt]; Shining Knight [Justin]; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Liberty Belle [Libby Lawrence]; Plastic Man; Amazing-Man [Will Everett]; Tarantula [Jonathan Law]; Sargon the Sorcerer [John Sargent]; Hourman [Rex Tyler]; Hawkgirl [Shiera Sanders]]; Brotherhood of Evil [Plasmus; Phobia; Warp; Monsieur Mallah; The Brain]; Fatal Five [Persuader; Tharok; Validus]; Doom Patrol [Robotman [Cliff Steele]; Celsius]; The Monitor (corpse); Harbinger [Lyla Michaels]; Pariah [Kell Mossa]; Alexander Luthor Jr.; Lana Lang; Robin [Jason Todd]; Proty; Captain Comet [Adam Blake]; B'wana Beast [Mike Maxwell]; Creeper [Jack Ryder]; Rag Doll; Jonni Thunder; Ragman [Rory Regan]; Windfall [Wendy Jones]; Swamp Thing; Dolphin; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Black Orchid; Cpl. Asher; Sgt. Craig; Lt. Jeb Stuart; Pvt. Rawlins; Arion; Stripesy [Pat Dugan]; Johnny Thunder (Earth-1, Western hero); Cinnamon; Jonah Hex; Blue Devil [Dan Cassidy]; Batgirl [Barbara Gordon]; Scalphunter [Brian Savage]; Bat Lash; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El]; Firehair; Black Orchid; Lois Lane (Earth-1); Tomahawk; Grxx; Deadman [Boston Brand]; Firehawk [Lorraine Reilly]; Jemm, Son of Saturn; Amethyst [Amy Winston]; Warlord [Travis Morgan]; Alanna Strange; Lori Lemaris; Guardians of the Universe; Rip Hunter; Alfred Pennyworth; Anthro; Embra; Air Wave [Hal Jordan]; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Lady Quark [Tashana]; Yolanda Montez (later becomes Wildcat); Lois Lane Kent (Earth-2); Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Anti-Monitor (face revealed, villain); Sinestro; Luthor (Earth-2); Star Sapphire; Big Sir [Dufus P. Ratchett]; Solomon Grundy [Cyrus Gold]; The Mist; Dr. Polaris [Neal Emerson]; Per Degaton; Vandal Savage; Killer Frost [Louise Lincoln]; Mirror Master [Sam Scudder]; Blockbuster [Mark Desmond]; Kung; Copperhead; Cheetah [Priscilla Rich]; Brother Blood; Vulcan; Penguin; Captain Cold [Len Snart]; Catwoman (Earth-1); Silver Swan [Helen Alexandros]; Ocean Master; Abra Kadabra; Samurai; Weather Wizard [Mark Mardon]; Plastique [Bette Sans Souci]; Riddler; Poison Ivy [Pamela Isley]; Ultra-Humanite; Brain Storm
Both Earths 1 and 2 have been consigned to a limbo created from the Monitor's last available energies before he died (as seen in issue 4). His foe wonders why he hasn't received those worlds' energies into himself like he did all the others that he's destroyed, but no matter - he still has 3 more worlds to destroy and reveals himself to a captured Flash [Barry Allen] (captured in issue 3 by the Anti-Monitor).
Anti-Monitor revealed from his silhouette. First true physical appearance.

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