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Issue: The Avengers #49
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Indicia Publisher: Vista Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 12/12/1967
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.12 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 3 (1 story, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Stan Lee
Disclose Notes: On-sale date from 1968 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age U.S.; later standard Modern Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched (squarebound #200)
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In12
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Mine Is the Power!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
The Avengers [Goliath [Hank Pym]; Wasp; Hawkeye; Quicksilver; Scarlet Witch]; Magneto
FlagMarvel Gold. Los Vengadores: ¡Unidos en Combate! #[nn] published March 2012
FlagIl Mitico Thor #59 published July 1973
as [untitled] [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagThe Avengers #65 published December 1974
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagMarvel Triple Action #41 published April 1978
as Mine Is the Power! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagLos Vengadores #49 published February 1982
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagEssential Avengers #3 published January 2001
as Mine is the Power! [Avengers #49] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Mine Is the Power

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Avengers [Goliath [Hank Pym]; Wasp; Hawkeye; Quicksilver; Scarlet Witch; Hercules]; Typhon; Magneto; Toad; Tartaro; Zeus (in flashback)
In Olympus the gods have vanished, but Hercules is confronted by Typhon. Meanwhile, back in Midgard, Magneto hauls Wanda and Pietro to his secret lair, then to the U.N. where he demands a separate nation for mutants. Hawkeye, Goliath, and Wasp run them off but Wanda is wounded. Typhon banishes Hercules to a world unknown and sits on the throne of Zeus.
FlagIl Mitico Thor #59 published July 1973
FlagMarvel Gold. Los Vengadores: ¡Unidos en Combate! #[nn] published March 2012
FlagMarvel Triple Action #41 published April 1978
as Mine Is the Power! [Story on Interior Page(s)]minus pages 5 and 10
FlagLos Vengadores #49 published February 1982
as El Poder es Mío [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagEssential Avengers #3 published January 2001
as Mine is the Power [Avengers #49] [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dear Stan, Roy, and Don, I have just finished...
Letters from Philip Herman, Leo Keil, Ken Kahre, Alan Goginsky, Richard Ferrante, Robert DeStantis, Cpl. Jerry Mercu, Janet Gierman, Bruce Dravis

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