Inks credit is disputed. Neal Adams is one candidate; Dick Giordano is another.
Adams inks are supported by original art collector Victor Lim, and by GCD members Tony Rose, Bob Bailey, and Gene Reed. In a recent checklist of Adams's comics work, Adams claimed the inks (per a report on gcd-main by Allen Ross). The story was published with Adams "art" or "inks" credit in:
• Super-Team Family #1 (1975)
• Superman in the Sixties (1999, p. 4)
Giordano claimed the inks credit in at least two published sources:
• Green Lantern/Green Arrow #2 (1983)
• Dick Giordano: Changing Comics, One Day at a Time (2003, p. 47; see also p. 161)
In an earlier checklist of Adams's comics work, Adams credited Giordano with inks (per a report on gcd-main by Jim Van Dore). The story was published with Giordano "inks" or "inker" credit in:
• Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams, Volume One [hardcover] (2003, p. 3) [as viewed in Google Books preview]
• Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams, Volume One [softcover] (2012, p. 3)
• Showcase Presents: World's Finest Volume 4 (2012, p. 3)
• Batman by Neal Adams Omnibus (2016, p. 3)
• Batman by Neal Adams Book One (2018, per a report on gcd-main by John Monagle)