On-sale date from the publication date reported to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Series, Volume 23, Part 2, Periodicals, January-December 1969. Class B periodical. Copyright registration number B548717. Also from Comic Reader #75.
Lois Lane; Superman [also appears as Clark Kent]; Perry White; Maestro Stanislav; Herschel; Johnny; Marlon Brando (in photo, cameo); Dustin Hoffman (in photo, cameo); Paul Newman (in photo, cameo)
Perry assigns Lois to do a story on Maestro Stanislav's method acting school.
Lois Lane; Superman [also appears as Clark Kent]; Perry White; Jimmy Olsen; Dr. Walter Stern; Lucy Lane; Jor-El (flashback); Phantom Zone inhabitants [Tra-Gob (introduction); Jax-Ur; Professor Vakox; seven unnamed prisoners (4 in flashback)]
Lois thinks she is dying of radiation posioning and takes extreme risks to get a few last scoops.
Letters submitted by Paula Nass; Richard Breger; Ross Fraser; Marc Hinson; Kevin Kennedy; Kathy Luebs; Roberta Valente; Billy Kent; Mark Jenkins.