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Issue: Mickey Finn #7 Public Domain
Publication Date: October 1945
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagColumbia
Brand: none
Indicia Publisher: Publication Enterprises
On Sale Date: 10/19/1945
Volume: none
Pages: 52
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 13 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: Publication Enterprises, 369 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Entire contents copyright 1945 by Publication Enterprises, Licensed by McNaught Syndicate. Printed in U.S.A.

On sale date from the publication date reported to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1945, New Series, Volume 40, Number 4. Class B periodical. Copyright registration number B 696509.
  Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Mickey Finn; Uncle Phil; Mr. Mintmore

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (ad copy)
? (illustrations)
? (illustrations)
?; typeset
Subject Matter
Pre-Flight Trainer Cockpit Game
Uncle Same
Fun! Thrills! Excitement! America's future is in the air - learn how to fly
Inside front cover. Includes indicia at bottom of the page.

Advertisement for a Pre-Flight Trainer Cockpit game from National Novelties of Chicago, Illinois.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, humorous, mystery
After a nation-wide hunt, Mickey and Tom trapped the kidnappers...
from Mickey Finn daily (McNaught Syndicate) 1938-10-01, 1938-10-03 - 1938-10-05 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-06 [First two panels dropped. Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Both panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-07 [First three panels dropped. Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the panel. The panel was expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-08 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-10 [First four panels dropped. Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the panel. New dialogue panel added. The reprinted panel was expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-11 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-12 [Original title on the original strip, "Startling News". Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-13 - 1938-10-15 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-17 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-18 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-20 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels expanded with new art on the right side. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-21 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-22 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels expanded with new art on the left side. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-25 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel expanded with new art on the left side. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides. Third panel expanded on the right side.];
1938-10-26 - 1938-10-27 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. All four panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-10-28 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels expanded with new art on the right side. Second panel expanded with new art on the left and the right sides. Fourth panel expanded with new art on the left sides.];
1938-10-29 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels expanded with new art on the right side. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-01 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the panel. First, second, and thirds panels dropped. Fourth panel expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-02 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the panel. Second panel dropped. First, third, and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.]
All dates, signature, and copyright information removed in the reprint from the original strips. October 19, October 24, and October 31, 1938, comic strips are not reprinted.

Original strip title found for October 11, 1938, in The Daily Item (Sunbury, Pennsylvania).

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, drama
I'm from the Plaza-Towers Hotel...
from Mickey Finn daily (McNaught Syndicate) 1938-11-03 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second, third, and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-04 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel expanded with new art on the right side. Second and fourth panels were expanded with new art on the right and the left sides. Third panel expanded with new art on the left side.];
1938-11-05 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-07 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel, which is text only, is expanded on the left and the right sides. Second through fifth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-08 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-09 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides. Second panel expanded with new art on the right side. Third panel expanded with new art on the left side.];
1938-11-10 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-11 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel is expanded with new art on the left and the the side. Second and third panels dropped. Fourth panel expanded on the left side with a narrative box and expanded with new art on the right side.];
1938-11-12 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, third, and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides. Second panel expanded with new art on the left side.];
1938-11-15 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-16 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-17 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, second, and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides. Third panel is expanded with new art on the left side.];
1939-11-18 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides. hird panel is expanded with new art on the left side.];
1939-11-19 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels expanded with new art on the left and the right sides.]
Though continuing the story from the previous sequence, the reappearance of the Mickey Finn logo indicates a new "chapter."

All dates, signature, and copyright information removed in the reprint from the original strips.

November 14, 1938, comic strip is not reprinted.
Oh Boy!! Will You Get a Kick Out of These Tattoo Transfers

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (ad copy)
? (spot illustrations)
? (spot illustrations)
?; typeset
Subject Matter
Pyroman (vignette); Doc Strange (vignette); Fighting Yank (vignette); Black Terror (vignette)
Advertisement for comic heroes tattoo transfers from National Novelties of Chicago, Illinois. Offer also includes the booklet, "Wizard Magic Tricks" with seventy-five magic tricks that can be learned at home.

Along with the heroes mentioned in the character field, there are other generic tattoo including Sailor Ahoy, In the Sport Light, Goofy Comics, U. S. Air Fleet, Circus Performances, and American Indians.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, humorous, mystery
Was Flossie's boss sore 'cause she left the store early yesterday to have dinner with us, Tom?
from Mickey Finn daily (McNaught Syndicate) 1938-11-25 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second panel expanded with new art on the left side. Third panel expanded on the right side.];
1938-11-26 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through second panels dropped. Fourth panel expanded on the right side.];
1938-11-28 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through third panels dropped. Fourth panel expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1938-11-30 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second and fourth panels expanded with new art on the right side. Third panel expanded with new art on the left side.];
1938-12-01 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. New dialogue panel added. First panel expanded on the left side. Fourth panel expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1938-12-02 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. New dialogue panel added. Second and third panels expanded on the right side.];
1938-12-03 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. New dialogue panel added. Second panel expanded with new art on the left side. Long third panel was expanded to fit across the entire comic book page, figures of Mickey, Tom, and Flossie on the left side of the panel moved further left increasing the space between them and the rest of the women on the panel.];
1938-12-05 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel expanded on the left side. Third panel expanded on the right side, two figures on the right side moved further away from the other characters. Fourth panel expanded on the left side.];
1938-12-06 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, second, and fifth panels expanded on the left and the right sides. New third dialogue panel added. Fourth panel expanded on the left side.];
1938-12-07 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel dropped. Second panel expanded on the left and the right sides, sign on right side moved away from the characters so new art not added. Third and fourth panels expanded on the right side.];
1938-12-08 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel expanded on the left and the right sides. Second panel trimmed on the right and the left sides. Third panel trimmed on the right side. Fourth panel trimmed on left side.];
1938-12-09 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel expanded in the middle, characters separated on the left and the right sides by an empty space. Second and third panels expanded on the left and the right sides. Fourth panel expanded on the right side.];
1938-12-10 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. New dialogue panel added. Second and third panels expanded on the left side. Fourth panel expanded on the right side.];
1938-12-12 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, third, and fourth panels expanded on the left side. Second panel expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1938-12-13 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels expanded on the left side.];
1938-12-14 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second panel expanded on the right side, the artwork on the right side itself moved over opening a blank space in the middle. Third panel expanded on the right and the left side. Fourth panel expanded on the right side.];
1938-12-15 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and second panels expanded on the right and the left sides. Third panel expanded on the right side. Fourth panel expanded in the middle, characters on both sides of the panel further separated out by a blank space.]
Though continuing the story from the previous sequence, the reappearance of the Mickey Finn logo indicates a new "chapter."

All dates, signature, and copyright information removed in the reprint from the original strips.

November 29, 1938, comic strip is not reprinted.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, humorous, mystery
Gee, Ma-I never want Uncle Phil to bring Sunny into Clancy's again...
from Mickey Finn daily (McNaught Syndicate) 1938-12-30 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and fourth panels with expanded art on the left and the right sides. Second and third panels with expanded art on the left side.];
1939-01-06 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels were dropped. Second and fourth panels had art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-07 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-09 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and second panels art expanded on the left and the right sides. Third panel art expanded on the left side and in the middle of the panel. Fourth panel art expanded on the left and right sides and in the middle with the main figure of Uncle Phil pulled further away from the door on the right side of the panel.];
1939-01-10 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, third, and fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides. Second panel art expanded on the left side.];
1939-01-11 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-12 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-13 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-14 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, second, and third panels art expanded on the left side. Fourth panel art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-16 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-17 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-18 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-19 [Original title on the original strip, "True to Form!". Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First, second, and fourth panels art expanded on the left side and the right side. Third panel art expanded on the right side.];
1939-01-20 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels art expanded on the left side. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right side.];
1939-01-21 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-23 [Original title on the original strip, "Secrets". Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel art expanded on the left side. Second through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-24 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and second panels art expanded on the left side. Third and fourth panels art expanded on the left side and the right side.];
1939-01-25 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through third panels art expanded on the left and the right side. Fourth panel art expanded on the left side.];
1939-01-26 [Original title on the original strip, "Temptation!". Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First through fourth panels art expanded on the left and the right sides.];
1939-01-27 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels art expanded on the left side and the right side. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the left side.];
1939-01-28 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels art expanded on the left side and the right side. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the left side.];
1939-02-06 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels art expanded on the right side. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the left side and the right side.];
1939-02-07 [Original title on the original strip, "Sweet Victory!". Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the left side and the right side.];
1939-02-08 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and third panels art expanded on the right side. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the left side and the right side.]
The daily comic strips from December 16-17, 19-24, 26-29, 31, 1938, and January 2-5, 30, February 1-5, 1939, were not reprinted.

All dates, signature, and copyright information removed in the reprint from the original strips.

Original strip title found for January 19, 1939, in High Point Enterprise (High Point, North Carolina).
Original strip title found for January 23, 1939, in The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Indiana).
Original strip title found for January 26, and February 7, 1939, in The Daily Item (Sunbury, Pennsylvania).
Original strip title found for January 30, 1939, in Pittston Gazette (Pittston, Pennsylvania).
Men! Sensational New Necktie Glows in the Dark!

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (ad copy)
? (illustrations)
? (illustrations)
?; typeset
Subject Matter
Glow in the Dark Necktie
Illustrated advertisement from the Glow in the Dark Necktie Company of Chicago, Illinois. The offer, for 0.98 USD (98¢), is a "V" necktie that glows in the dark at night.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, humorous, mystery
So Flossie's eye is okay today, eh, Tom?
from Mickey Finn daily (McNaught Syndicate) 1939-02-10 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and fourth panels art expanded on the right side. Second panel art expanded on left and right sides slightly. Third panel dropped.];
1939-02-11 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First panel dropped. Second panel art expanded on the right side. New dialogue panel added. Third panel art expanded on the right side. Fourth panel art expanded slightly on the left and the right sides.];
1939-02-13 [Original title on the original strip, "And That's That". Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second panel art expanded in the middle of the panel, the characters on both sides of the panel separated by a half-inch space. Third panel art expanded on the left side. Fourth panel art expanded on the right side.];
1939-02-14 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Second and third panels art expanded on the right and the left sides. Fourth panel art expanded on the right side.];
1939-02-15 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Dialogue abbreviated in the first and the second panels. First panel art expanded on the right and the left sides. Second and third panels art expanded on the right side.];
1939-02-16 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of first and fourth panels. Trimmed at the top and bottom of the second panel. Trimmed at the top 1/5th of the third panel. Dialogue abbreviated in the first and the second panels. First panel art expanded on the left side with left side dialogue balloon moved over to left side of the panel. Fourth panel art expanded on the right and the left sides.];
1939-02-17 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. Dialogue abbreviated in the first panel. Dialogue removed in the third panel. First panel art expanded on the right and the left sides. Dialogue balloon on right side moved to the right. Third and fourth panels art expanded on the right side.];
1939-02-18 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. New dialogue panels created before the original first and third panels (now first and fourth panels). New second and new fifth panels art expanded on the right side. New sixth panel art expanded on the left side.];
1939-02-20 [Trimmed at top 1/5th of the first panel, removing the original dialogue box. Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of second through fourth panels. First and fourth panels art expanded on the right side. Dialogue abbreviated in the third panel. Third panel art expanded on the left side.];
1939-02-21 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. First and second panels art expanded on the right side. A dialogue balloon removed in the third panel. Third panel art expanded on the left side and slightly on the right side. ];
1939-02-22 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the first and the third panels. Trimmed at top 1/5th of the second and the fourth panels. Second and fourth panels art expanded on the right side.];
1939-02-23 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of all the panels. New dialogue panel added before the original first panel. New fourth panel art expanded on the right and the left side. New fifth panel expanded on the right side.];
1939-02-24 [Trimmed at top 1/5th of the original first panel, removing the original dialogue box. Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the original second through fourth panels. New dialogue boxes added before the original first and third panels. New fifth panel art expanded on the right and the left sides.];
1939-02-25 [Trimmed at bottom 1/5th of the original first, third, and fourth panels. Trimmed at the bottom and top portions of the original second panel. New dialogue panel added before the original second panel. "The End" dialogue box added after the last panel. New fourth panel art expanded on the right and the left sides. New fifth panel art expanded on the right side.]
All dates, signature, and copyright information removed in the reprint from the original strips.

Original strip title found for February 13, 1939, in The Daily Item (Sunbury, Pennsylvania).
Amazing 7 Day Trial

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (ad copy)
? (two spot illustrations)
? (two spot illustrations)
?; typeset
Subject Matter
Nora Lee Hair Coloring
Advertisement for hair coloring from Nora Lee Company of Chicago, Illinois.
The Insult That Turned a "Chump" into a Champ

Advertisement (Comic Format)  on  Interior Page(s)
? (comic story); ? (photographs)
? (comic story); ? (photographs)
?; typeset
Subject Matter
Charles Atlas (photograph); Joe; Joe's girlfriend [Sugar]; unnamed bully
Look, Joe, let's see if you can make it ring, too
Joe's girlfriend wants him to ring the bell at the fair.
Inside back cover.

Advertisement for Charles Atlas bodybuilding program in part comic strip form. Seven-panel comic strip. Mail-order advertisement for the Charles Atlas book "Everlasting Health and Strength" from Charles Atlas, Department 369, 115 East 23rd Street, New York 10, New York.
Luminous Dial Compass

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (ad copy)
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
? (ad agency)
Subject Matter
Here are the features that make this the greatest compass "buy" in all America!
Back cover. Top one-third of the page.

Mail order advertisement for a $1.98 compass from Illinois Merchandise Mart, Dept. 231, 500 North Dearborn Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.
Giant Telescope Offer

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (ad copy)
? (illustrations)
? (illustrations)
? (ad agency)
Subject Matter
Yankee Clipper Super Telescope; Illinois Merchandise Mart
Big - powerful - over 3½ feet long!
Back cover. Bottom two-thirds of the page.

Mail order advertisement for a $1.98 telescope from Illinois Merchandise Mart, Dept. 3156, 500 North Dearborn Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.

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