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Issue: Richie Rich Inventions #21
Publication Date: November 1981
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Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagHarvey
Brand: Harvey WorldView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: Harvey Picture Magazines Inc.
On Sale Date: 08/06/1981
Pages: 36
UPC/EAN: 0716585390021
Price: £0.15 GBP
$0.50 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 7 (6 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Richie Rich; Irona
Richie Rich; Irona; Professor Keenbean
Professor Keenbean... I'm afraid your time machine only half works!
Irona is impacted by a malfunctioning time machine.
Dolls and Dollars, Part 1

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Richie Rich; Irona
Richie Rich; Richard Rich; Regina Rich; Irona; Professor Keenbean
Both of Richie's parents believe they have seen dolls walking away with currency. Richie and Irona do find some dolls around the estate but don't see any of them move To get to the bottom of the mystery, Richie asks Professor Keenbean to shrink him and Irona down to the size of dolls. The trip back home in tiny size is an adventure in itself, but when they arrive, they do see some dolls carrying away money. They decide to pick up some dollar bills themselves and follow the dolls to see where they are going.
Story continues in "Think Small" later in this issue.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Regina Rich; Professor Keenbean
What time is it, Richie Dear?
Mrs. Rich can't hear a quiet cuckoo clock, so Richie asks the Professor to replace it with a louder one. But the one he installs presents a different issue.
Dolls and Dollars, Part 2: Think Small

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Richie Rich; Irona
Richie Rich; Irona; crooked doll-maker; unnamed police officer; Professor Keenbean
Richie and Irona, shrunken to doll size, follow cash-stealing dolls to a cave on the estate. There the dolls place the money in a large pile. As they are watching, Richie and Irona are grabbed by the crooked doll-maker who is using the dolls to steal. They try to escape, but the doll-maker sends soldier dolls to capture them. Irona gets caught in a net, but Richie manages to use the Professor's enlarging ray to return to normal size. He is then able to dispatch the toy soldiers, free Irona and enlarge her. The toys themselves then turn on the doll-maker, with some help from the enlarging ray.
Story and page numbering (6-10) continue from "Dolls and Dollars, Part 1" earlier in this issue.
Higher and Higher

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Professor Keenbean; Richard Rich; Rich estate grounds keepers; unnamed butterfly collectors; Bascomb
The professor demonstrates his Super Lift Air, which can make heavy objects float. Bascomb mistakenly uses this air for the tires in a limousine, which causes the car to float across the Rich estate grounds. Remembering a butterfly collector he has seen earlier in the story, Richie has an idea to get the floating car back down.
More Than Plenty

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Auguste; Chef Pierre; Gloria Glad; Swami Raman-Steranko
Richie attempts to give Gloria a variety of expensive gifts for her birthday, but in the end the simplest and least expensive is what pleases her the most.
Swami Steranko is very likely a reference to comics legend Jim Steranko, who did some of his very first comic work at Harvey and whose popularity was in full swing when this story first appeared in Richie Rich Money World #2 in 1972. The illustration that accompanies this story is based upon the cover of that original issue.
There's No Escaping Him!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Richie Rich; Reggie Van Dough; Reginald Van Dough; Vanessa Van Dough; Richie Rich (in thought balloon only); Freckles Friendly (in thought balloon only); Pee Wee Friendly (in thought balloon only); unnamed soldiers; unnamed waitress; unnamed restaurant patrons
Reggie's parents are continually frustrated by Reggie's pranks, even when they take a trip to the orient.

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