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Issue: Richie Rich Gold and Silver #31
Publication Date: September 1980
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagHarvey
Brand: Harvey WorldView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: Harvey Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 06/26/1980
Volume: none
Pages: 36
UPC/EAN: 716585353931
Price: $0.50 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 8 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Release date taken from an in-house promo in the middle of the issue.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Richie Rich Gold and Silver
Richie Rich; Freckles Friendly
That's Gold Faithful, Freckles... and this, of course, is Silver Springs!
Richie shows Freckles two tourist attractions: a geyser which is a parody of the famous tourist attraction in Yellowstone National Park, and an artesian spring made entirely of silver which is named after the real-life counterpart in Florida.
Jog-Along Cassidy

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, crime, humorous
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Irona; Jog-Along Cassidy; Richard Rich, Sr.; Regina Rich
Golly! My tooth is bothering me again, Master Richie!
Irona is having tooth problems, but they are actually radio broadcasts being played through her tooth which is annoying her. Meanwhile, Jog-Along Cassidy inspires the Riches to jog along with him, but the Riches end up carrying heavy valuables, including art work, to a certain point. At the end of Part 1, Irona receives an important message through her troublesome tooth that hints at a possible robbery.
Part 1 of 2. Story continues into "Irona Tunes In".

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Gloria Glad
What if I bring you some candy, Gloria?
Richie offers Gloria some candy, but doesn't want something big like the 50-pound chocolate she previously received. Richie obliges, in a way, but delivers something thin - a lengthy, thin peppermint stick.
Irona Tunes In [Jog-Along, Part 2]

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, crime, humorous
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Irona; Jog-Along Cassidy; Cassidy's sidekick; Cadbury; Richard Rich, Sr.; Regina Rich
Gasp! Jog-Along Cassidy is giving orders to someone on that radio!
Irona helps defeat Cassidy and his partner's tactics, and also prevent the two from escaping.
Conclusion of a two-part story.
Richie Rich and The State of Statues

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, crime
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Richard Rich, Sr.; Mr. Molder; Regina Rich (mentioned)
Take a look at that statue, Richie!
A prospective customer is interested in buying Mr. Rich's statues on his estate, which end up strangely walking like humans and eventually carry money and jewels. Mr. Molder accuses Mr. Rich of fraud, but he leaves the estate in a happy mood, which makes Richie feel suspicious of him. He stows away in the back seat of Mr. Molder's car so that Richie could investigate.
Part 1 of 2. Continues into "The Obedient Statues".

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Little Dot
Dot Polka; Mr. Polka
Dot, have you seen the matches?
Mr. Polka cannot find matches to fry fish while on a camping trip, so Dot offers him his "fire dot" which confused her father. All he could find is her dot collection. Dot found the gadget, which her father clarified is a magnifying glass.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Gloria Glad; Reggie Van Dough
I hope this picnic lunch won't disappear like the one last week, Richie!
Gloria is worried that the picnic lunch will disappear, but Richie confirmed he prepared it himself. Richie and Gloria go for a swim before they eat, but Reggie pilfers their picnic basket while Richie and Gloria are having fun. After the swim, Richie and Gloria discover the basket went missing. But without knowing that Reggie was behind this, Richie's technology saves the day.
Richie Rich and The Obedient Statues

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, crime
Richie Rich
Richie Rich; Mr. Molder; Cadbury; Richard Rich, Sr.
Ha ha ha!
Richie arrives at the hideout, and discover the statues are bringing stolen valuables to the culprit. After one of the moving statues brings in Cadbury, it implies he is being kidnapped. Richie notices that the statues can come to life and be deactivated using a device. Richie grabs the device to bring the statues to life and orders the statues to bring the culprit to the police. Back at the mansion, Mr. Rich finds Richie's story very bizarre and Richie wonders what will become of Mr. Molder. He is in prison, trying to carve a statuette of the warden.
Conclusion of a two-part story, which continues from "The State of Statues".

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