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Issue: Paul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #58
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagSt. John
Brand: St. JohnView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: St. John Publishing Corp.
On Sale Date: 1954
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 12 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: While sporting a new cover, this issue reprints the interior comics content of Paul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics (St. John, 1951 Series) #29 (November 1951).
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color cover; color interior
Dimensions: standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Jet Air-Races To-Day

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, superhero
Mighty Mouse
At the air races, Mighty Mouse outperforms a series of jet planes.
New cover for an issue of reprints.
Complete Baffling Magic Outfit 20 First Class Illusions

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Be a magician - fool and delight your friends with a full 2 hour mystery show.
Ad for various magic tricks in a package from Honor House Products. Black and white ad on inside front cover.
The Wayward Mouse

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, superhero
Mighty Mouse; three comic-reading little mice; bad little mouse; farmer; cow; crows; truck driver; junkman; junkman's horse; four hungry cats
The mailman just brought it!
As three good little mice thrill to the exploits of their hero in "Mighty Mouse Comics", a "bad little mouse" (He MUST be bad, because he wears a derby!), who doesn't believe in Mighty Mouse sets out to make trouble. But even a tough mouse can bite off more trouble than he can chew (...or gnaw).
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was The Wayward Mouse [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Meta Moment: Mice are reading a copy of Mighty Mouse Comics within a story in Mighty Mouse Comics.
The Day Mighty Mouse Went Mighty Bad!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, superhero
Mighty Mouse; Pearl Pureheart; Oil Can Harry; various citizens of Terrytown; various police of Terrytown
A blight has hit Terrytown. The people struggle with an unknown source of annoyance.
Oil Can Harry frames Mighty Mouse for a series of pranks and misdeeds against the citizens of Terrytown, proving his "guilt" to the exceedingly fickle crowd (that alternately cheers him or wants him hanged with incredibly rapid shifts of mood) using a poorly fashioned Mighty Mouse inflatable balloon. Can Pearl Pureheart turn (and keep) the tide of public opinion firmly "for" our hero?
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was The Day Mighty Mouse Went Mighty Bad! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Tyer Touch: Oil Can Harry takes great delight in Mighty Mouse's misfortune. CAPTION: "...and Oil Can Harry died laughing." One panel Harry is overcome with laughter, the next he is laid out on the ground holding a flower at his chest! For good measure, Tyer goes to this gag twice.

Pearl Pureheart saves Mighty Mouse from hanging at the last moment, by presenting the Mighty Mouse balloon as proof of his innocence. She addresses the hangman: "Unhand him, you old goat! The Mighty Mouse that you saw was a fake!" ...And, sure enough, the hangman character is "an old (anthropomorphic) goat"!
Bear Prepared

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Terry Bears; Papa; Mama
-- And, in case of emergency, all good scouts should be prepared.
The boys practice their scouting first aid techniques on poor Papa!
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was Bear Prepared [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Hot Spell

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, superhero
Mighty Mouse; two berry-picking boys; volunteer fire department; army of volcano men; citizens of Terrytown
Let's go up on top of the mountain! The berries are bigger up there!
Mighty Mouse turns back an invasion of red-hot volcano men.
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was The Hot Spell [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Tyer Touch: Jim Tyer gives us a band of hapless volunteer firefighters, who turn and run at the first sight of the volcano men. They head for a boat, that they sail to the middle of the lake - AND STOP, remaining becalmed and inactive as the volcano men begin to boil the lake. "What's delaying Mighty Mouse? This water is getting warmer and warmer!"

They despondently await a fate that they could easily have walked (or sailed, or swam) away from while the lake was merely warming ("All is lost! The water is BEGINNING TO BOIL!"), instead wishing for ice cream sodas, and preparing a gigantic, outsized "Last Will and Testament" from within their motionless boat. Tyer's drawings of these characters as gooney and very tightly pressed together (as if they were one) complements the absurdity.

ERROR OR ON-PURPOSE GAG?: Two consecutive panels of the fight between Mighty Mouse and the volcano men offer the captions "A LEFT to a blazing jaw" and "A RIGHT to a fiery solar plexus", but Tyer draws Mighty Mouse hitting the volcano men with the SAME fist (his left). With Tyer, it could be either an error... or a purposeful gag.
Here's How We Got Lionel Trains

Advertisement (Comic Format)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
And how you can, too!
Ad in comic form on how to get your father to buy you a Lionel Train Set.
The Loaded Cabbage

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Farmer Gray; gopher
Farmer Gray, may I have a cabbage like you promised me?
Farmer Gray plants a firecracker in a cabbage to rid himself of a gopher.
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was The Loaded Cabbage [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Diver Dimwit

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Heckle; Jeckle; Dimwit
"I say, old axe-beak, let us be off to the show spots about town!" suggested Jeckle to his magpie pal as they lounged in their living room.
With visions of a huge reward, Heckle and Jeckle talk Dimwit into diving to the bottom of Terrytown Bay to search for a rich lady's lost pearl necklace.
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was Diver Dimwit [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
Back to the Soil

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
anthropomorphic, superhero
Mighty Mouse; Mr. Brown; Mrs. Brown; the Brown's two children; Mr. Flint; Mr. Flint's two thugs; Farmer Tom and family
High up in the hills overlooking a peaceful valley, lived Mister Brown in his humble cottage.
Mr. Brown is proud of his humble family farm, and refuses to sell when rich man Mr. Flint demands. Flint resorts to arson and kidnapping as methods of persuasion - Mighty Mouse will have none of that.
FlagPaul Terry's Mighty Mouse Comics #29 published November 1951
was Back to the Soil [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Hey Kids!! Send for the New Howdy Doody Color Television Set.

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Howdy Doody; Clarabell; Mr. Bluster; Flub-A-Dub; Dilly Dally (all named in ad)
Complete with 8 rolls of color film
Ad for a hand-held “rolling-strip-device” designed to simulate television viewing, from Josely Company. Black and white ad on inside back cover.
I'll Give You a Wrist Watch, Archery Set, Flash Camera or any of 70 Big Prizes

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
?; ? (photos)
? (photos)
Subject Matter
"Uncle Harry" Bard (seen in black and white photo); Jean; Bobby
Without a cent of cost... Mail coupon for FREE Prize Book
Ad for American Specialty Co., offering prizes or money for the sales of Christmas cards. Ad runs vertically on full page. Color ad on back cover.

While not a true example of “comics-form advertising”, this ad does present four comic panels of two kids (Jean and Bobby) looking over Uncle Harry Bard’s ad, selling Christmas cards, receiving a prize package in the mail, and showing off their prizes to their friends. The comic portion of the ad is in black and white. The photo of Uncle Harry Bard is also in black and white, but the majority of the ad is in color.

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