Joan Weis
Jose Rivera
Todd S. Tuttle; Andrea Albert
Holly Sanfelippo
Andrea Albert
Subject Matter
crime, superhero
The Green Hornet
Mishi Kato; Diana Reid; Kono Kato [Kato IV]; Hayashi Kato [Kato II]; Paul Reid [Green Hornet IV]; Constantine "Con" Stefanopoulos (villain, killed); Helen Stefanopoulos (villain); Frankie (villain, killed)
As Hayashi trains Kono to be the new Kato, Mishi and Diana discuss the younger man. His aunt expected to replace Hay in the Hornet operation, but will settle for being one of Diana's bridesmaids at the wedding. The two Japanese men report to Paul the results of their check of a bug previously planted on the Stefanopoulos estate, learning of an incoming illegal shipment of Greek artifacts. Patriarch Constantine, however, arranges for the Hornet to be informed of it and pick up his "cut," against the advice of his daughter, Helena, to whom he nonetheless assigns the details. Frankie tells her that as soon as the old man goes back to Greece, HE will be placed in charge. As it all sounds totally routine, Kono rather than Hay will be the Hornet's driver. At the docks, police sirens reveal a double cross, and Helena tells them that the "hot stuff" came in three days ago, so SHE isn't going to be "busted" here. Kono, never having driven the Beauty before, doesn't know the necessary evasive action or how to execute it, and the Hornet takes over via voice control. They just make it, and Paul unfairly states that Kono lost his cool. Helena seduces a thug into killing her father and Frankie for her, then shoots him and tells other members of the household that she just barely evaded his attempt on her life!
Reprint Notes:
This story was intended to give the readers a breather after several issues of nail-biting suspense and action. It firmly established the new Kato after his brief introduction last issue and set up future plotlines. Unfortunately, NOW's cessation of operations left the latter unrealized. "Constantine" is incorrectly rendered as "Constatine" on page 5, panel 2, and three panels later the word "course" is duplicated.