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Issue: Hellboy - Au nom du diable #[nn]
Publication Date: January 1996
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDark Horse France
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Dark Horse France
On Sale Date: 1996
Pages: 116
ISBN: 2841640639
UPC/EAN: 9782841640638
Price: none entered
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Content Items: 6 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: couleur [color]
Dimensions: 16,8 cm x 25,8 cm
Paper Stock: papier glacé [glossy paper]; couverture glacée cartonnée souple avec rabats [cardstock glossy cover with cover flaps]
Binding: dos carré, broché [squarebound]
Publishing Format: récit complet [one-shot]
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
adventure, horror
Hellboy; Unmensch

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, horror
Hellboy; Roderick Zinco (introduction); Leopold Kurtz; Prof. Dr. Karl Ruprect Kroenen; Ilsa Haupstein; Grigori Rasputin (flashback); Vladimir Giurescu (image only; introduction); Hans Ubler [Howard Steinman] (introduction; death); Dr. Tom Manning (see Notes); Dr. Kate Corrigan; Abe Sapien; Liz Sherman; Clark [first name unknown] (introduction); Bud Waller (introduction); Sidney Leach (introduction); Sir Edward Grey (image only; introduction; see Notes); other BPRD personnel [Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense]; Unmensch (introduction; cameo; see Notes)
The base of the recently revived Nazi scientists Kroenen, Haupstein, and Von Krupt in Norway is broached by Roderick Zinco, who tells them of a visitation by Rasputin and pledges the resources of the Zinco Corporation to the renewal of Project Ragna Rok. One year later, a briefing at BPRD headquarters in Fairfield recaps the history of suspected vampire Vladimir Giurescu, his ties to Project Ragna Rok, and the possible abduction of his body from a museum in New York City. Hellboy and five other agents are sent to Romania to locate Castle Giurescu before his body can be reanimated.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, horror
Hellboy; Unmensch; Ilsa Haupstein; Klaus Werner von Krupt (flashback); Grigori Rasputin; Prof. Dr. Karl Ruprect Kroenen (flashback; cameo); Leopold Kurtz (flashback; cameo); Ogdru-Jahad [the Dragon; Seven Beasts]; Elder Giurescu [Vladimir Giurescu's father; unnamed] (introduction; death); Vladimir Giurescu (flashback; origin)
Hellboy's battle with the Unmensch lands him beneath Castle Giurescu, where the vampire's skeletal, half-dead father recounts his son's transformation. Above, Ilsa Haupstein is visited by the spirit of Rasputin, while elsewhere a mysterious congregation reads from scripture warning of the Ogdru-Jahad.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, horror
Hellboy; Vladimir Giurescu; Hecate (first appearance in Hellboy series); Grigori Rasputin (origin); Ilsa Haupstein; Baba Yaga (cameo; flashback; first appearance in Hellboy series); Liz Sherman; Sidney Leach; Bud Waller (death); Roger the Homunculus (introduction); Leopold Kurtz; Prof. Dr. Karl Ruprect Kroenen; Roderick Zinco; Prof. Dr. Herman von Klempt
Hellboy fights off Hecate's minions and then a weakened Giurescu. Rasputin tells Ilsa of his supernatural rebirth. At another Romanian castle, Liz's BPRD team discovers an inert homunculus to whom she is drawn; her pyrokinetic touch brings him to life. Zinco brings Kroenen the preserved head of Von Klempt in Norway. Hellboy rigs Castle Giurescu to explode.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, horror
Hellboy; Hecate; Dr. Tom Manning; Clark (cameo); Abe Sapien (cameo); Dr. Kate Corrigan (cameo); other BPRD personnel [Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense]; Ilsa Haupstein; Grigori Rasputin; Koku (introduction); Dr. Karl Ruprect Kroenen; Prof. Dr. Herman von Klempt; Leopold Kurtz (death)
Hellboy's battle with Hecate ends just as Castle Giurescu blows up good, the explosion seen by Abe and Clark from a distance. The Baba Yaga's aide Koku presents Rasputin with an iron maiden that Ilsa enters at his urging. Kurtz attacks Von Klempt and is killed by Kroenen. Villagers take an unconscious Hellboy from the castle's rubble to a crossroads, where he is met by Rasputin.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, horror
Hellboy [Anung un Rama] (revelation of true name and supposed destiny); Clark (death); Abe Sapien; other BPRD personnel [Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense]; Grigori Rasputin; Hecate; the Baba Yaga; Dagda; Sir Edward (introduction; see Notes); Dr. Kate Corrigan; Roderick Zinco (apparent death); Leopold Kurtz (corpse); Prof. Dr. Karl Ruprect Kroenen (apparent death); Prof. Dr. Herman von Klempt (apparent death)
Hellboy's signal is traced to a Romanian church, where Rasputin confronts Abe and speaks of revenge against those who killed him. Giurescu and then Hecate face Hellboy at the crossroads. Hecate tells him about his destiny as Anung un Rama, the Beast of the Apocalypse, a mysterious cloaked figure, and Dagda look on. Kate Corrigan arrives to extract Hellboy and tell him what has befallen the other teams. Rasputin appears at the Norwegian castle headquarters of Project Ragna Rok and strikes Zinco blind, causing him to stumble into a detonator that destroys the castle.

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