Sergeant Nick Fury; the Howling Commandos [Corporal Dum Dum Dugan; Dino Manelli; Izzy Cohen; Gabe Jones; Robert Ralston [Rebel Ralston]; Percival Pinkerton]
Sergeant Nick Fury; the Howling Commandos [Corporal Dum Dum Dugan; Dino Manelli; Izzy Cohen; Gabe Jones; Robert Ralston [Rebel Ralston]; Percival Pinkerton]; Captain Savage; Sgt. Bull McGiveney; Captain Happy Sam Sawyer; Peter Kazantis; Mister Stone; Michael Skouras; Ravonne
letters page reply mentions the new Combat Kelly book and notes the name was taken from the earlier Atlas comic, also includes letters from Jim Mamouildes, James Houston and Robert A. Gillis