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Issue: Micronauts Special Edition #2
Publication Date: January 1984
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Marvel Comics Group
On Sale Date: 09/1983
Volume: 1
Pages: 52
Price: $2.25 CAD
$2.00 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 9 (3 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: A reprinting of the last nine pages of Marvel Comics Micronauts #3 and issues #4-5 by Bill Mantlo and Michael Golden. Printed on glossy paper with new coloring enhancements by Bob Sharen. No ads.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age U. S.
Paper Stock: Glossy cover; Glossy interior
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Limited Series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Wraparound
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Wraparound
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Prince Acroyear; Bug; Marionette; Microtron; Biotron; Commander Arcturus Rann [Space Glider] [All as the Micronauts]; Professor Phillip Prometheus (villain); Baron Karza (villain)
Wraparound cover.
The Creation Of The Micronauts: A Confession

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Bug; Time Traveller [Time Traveler]
Text article by original Micronauts writer Bill Mantlo on how the series based on a toyline came to be.
Inside front cover. Artwork of Bug by Michael Golden appears on the bottom of the page. Mantlo got the inspiration for this series when his mother bought his son, Adam several Micronaut toys by Mego during Christmas, 1978.
Death-Duel At Daytona Beach! Part Two

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Prince Acroyear; Bug; Marionette; Microtron; Biotron; Commander Arcturus Rann [Space Glider] [All as the Micronauts]; Baron Karza (villain); Ray Coffin; Wing-Fighter pilot; Eddy (A skateboarder); Skateboarders; Time Traveller [Time Traveler]; Skateboard park manager Martinelli; Prince Shaitan (villain); Police officer Thompson; Unnamed police officers; Acroyear Battle Cruiser pilot; Tiger 8 pilots; Cape Control coordinator
On earth, following a victorious battle with Prince Shaitan and his Battle Cruisers at a skateboard park, the Micronauts begin a search for their missing partner, Bug.
FlagMicronauts #3 [Standard Distribution] published March 1979
was Death-Duel at Daytona Beach! [Story on Interior Page(s)]pp. 9-17; last nine pages are reprinted here
Second part of reprint containing the last nine pages from Micronauts #3, continued from Micronauts Special Edition #1.
A Hunting We Will Go!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Prince Acroyear; Bug; Marionette; Microtron; Biotron; Commander Arcturus Rann [Space Glider] [All as the Micronauts]; Baron Karza (villain); Slug; Underground rebels; Dog Soldiers; Major D'ark; Tril (death); Steve Coffin; Ray Coffin; Muffin; Charly; Cape Canaveral guard; Professor Phillip Prometheus (introduction); Abner Jenkins; Time Traveller [Time Traveler]
Slug is sent to the Body Banks and begins her search for Prince Argon. While the Micronauts search for Bug at the Coffin residence and the Coffin family, with a stowawayed Bug, bring the remains of a Wing Fighter to Phillip Prometheus at the Human Engineering Life Laboratories (H.E.L.L.).
FlagMicronauts #4 published April 1979
was A Hunting We Will Go! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Map Of Homeworld

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
A map detailing some of the important locations found in the Microverse's Homeworld.
FlagMicronauts #24 [Direct Edition] published December 1980
was Map of Homeworld [Illustration on Interior Page(s)]
There are no credits given for this map.
The Prometheus Pit!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Prince Acroyear; Bug; Marionette; Microtron; Biotron; Commander Arcturus Rann [Space Glider] [All as the Micronauts]; Baron Karza (villain); Muffin; Steve Coffin; Ray Coffin; H.E.L.L. security guards; Time Traveler [Time Traveller] (cameo); Ray Coffin; Professor Phillip Prometheus (villain); Dog Soldiers; Slug; Prince Argon [Force Commander] (introduction as a centaur); Underground rebels; Body Bank security guards; Duchess Belladonna; Shadow Priests; H.E.L.L. Humanoid security guards
The Micronauts encounter Phillip Prometheus who is revealed to be a cyborg and has created a doorway to the Microverse with his Prometheus Pit. Meanwhile on Homeworld, Prince Argon attacks Baron Karza and his dog soldiers in his altered form as centaur but is easily subdued and the Baron chooses Slug as the host body for Duchess Belladonna.
FlagMicronauts #5 [Whitman] published May 1979
was The Prometheus Pit! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Death's Stronghold

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Baron Karza (villain); Underground rebels
FlagMicronauts #4 published April 1979
was Death's Stronghold! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Prometheus Pit!

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Prince Acroyear; Bug; Marionette; Microtron; Commander Arcturus Rann [Space Glider] [All as the Micronauts]; Steve Coffin; Professor Philip Prometheus (villain); Baron Karza (villain) (In corner box only); Muffin
FlagMicronauts #5 [Whitman] published May 1979
was Prometheus Pit! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
In The Microverse Life Is The Exception... Death Is The Rule!

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, science fiction, superhero
Micronauts [Prince Acroyear; Bug; Marionette; Huntarr; Commander Arcturus Rann [Space Glider]]; X-Men [Wolverine; Storm; Colossus; Nightcrawler; Ariel [Kitty Pryde; Shadowcat; Sprite]]; Entity
Inside back cover. House ad for The 1983 X-men And The Micronauts 4-part limited series written by Bill Mantlo & Chris Claremont. Kitty Pryde was known as Ariel at the time of this series.

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