James Van Hise
Ken Penders
Tony DeZuñiga
? [as The NOW Staff]
Andrea Albert
Subject Matter
crime, superhero
The Green Hornet
The Black Hornet [Britt Reid II]; Green Hornet IV [Paul Reid]; Hayashi Kato; Mayor Leon Marshall (V); Diana Reid; Blinky McQuade; Kumara Kato
The Green Hornet (Paul, still in Britt's gear and car) learns of the new, Black one from a Daily Sentinel front page story (why Marshall allowed that info into the paper at all is a mystery) and does not know what to make of it. As he heads back to the city after checking Kato's beach house, he spots a light flashing a Morse code message, leading him into a meeting with "Blackie," who unmasks for Paul. Captain Dent tracks down Blinky McQuade to find out what happened after the Green Hornet took him from both police, but the little hood doesn't talk, at the ultimate cost. A move of Hayashi and Diana from jail to the courthouse proves to be a successful trap for the Black Hornet, who upon capture is unmasked as Britt. While watching his new prisoner being thrown into the same cell with Diana and Hay, Marshall boasts of his plans, but then the combined forces of the Green Hornet and various racketeers attack. For no apparent reason, the still drugged Kumara is sicced on his brother, but this time Hayashi is not caught by surprise, and manages to win the fight without significantly injuring his sibling. Boss Snark catches Marshall trying to make off with what cash is on hand in the city coffers (which certainly can't be enough to offset his expenses to this point), and tapes from the jail's surveillance cameras of his boasts put HIM into a cell. Soon the right people are again running the local government and media outlets, respectively.
Reprint Notes:
Next chronological appearance in Green Hornet Annual #1 (NOW Comics, 1992).