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Issue: The Green Hornet: Dark Tomorrow #3
Publication Date: August 1993
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagNow
Brand: Now ComicsView Brand Images
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On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
Price: $2.50 USD
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Content Items: 5 (1 story, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Tony Caputo (Editor in chief); Joan Weis (Editor)
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age U. S.
Paper Stock: Baxter
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Miniseries
Format Notes:  
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Jeff Butler (painting) (signed)
Jeff Butler (painting) (signed)
Jeff Butler (painting) (signed)
Subject Matter
crime, science fiction, superhero
The Green Hornet
Future Kato; Future Green Hornet II

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Clint McElroy
Tom Miller
David Mowry
? [as The NOW Staff]
Andrea Albert
Subject Matter
crime, science fiction, superhero
The Green Hornet
Future Green Hornet II [Clayton Reid]; The Lone Ranger (dream cameo); Green Hornet II (dream cameo); Green Hornet I (dream cameo); Green Hornet IV (dream cameo); Future Green Hornet I (dream cameo); Luke Kato [Future Kato]
From last issue: In the late twenty-first century, a genuinely criminal Green Hornet is visited in his delirium by many of his masked forebears. He awakens to find Kato has him undergoing a high-tech form of acupuncture to allow him to throw off the effects of the poison administered by the Steel Syndicate. When Clay asks why he has saved the man he had previously tried to kill, Kato admits that he is no longer so sure that this Hornet is "such a lost cause." They determine that the Syndicate wants the Hornet's invention, the earwig, which allows him to "tap into all forms of electronic communication anywhere in the world." In the previously seen Black Beauty which is now revealed to be able to travel underwater as well as in the air, they go to the Hornet's apartment and find more of the syndicate's manlike robots there, but easily defeat them. Even more of them invade the Hornet's offshore casino, Detroit's, but the masked men arrive because that's where the earwig is. These robots are also defeated, the earwig is secured, and the Green Hornet decides to return to the side of justice!

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Joan Weis
? (logo)
? (logo)
? (logo)
? (logo); Typeset (main text)
Subject Matter
Letters from Bob Kowalski, John Kartell, and Frank Darrow, with editorial responses. There is also a comment from the editor that the staff has "been tossing around other 'alternate' Hornet ideas....[specifically] a Hornet story set around the turn of the century." No further projects on this line ever materialized.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
What NOW
Promotion for fourteen NOW Comics releases, all with cover repros and basic creative team listings, and one related video release, also with cover art repro.
Art from the covers of fourteen NOW Comics issues, only three of which bear logos, imprints, and other copy (although one of the others does have a dialogue balloon), and one Speed Racer video's cover box art, bearing logo, etc.
This feature appeared in most NOW titles released this month.
Baron Returns For Foil-Embossed KATO III

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Joan Weis (main text); ? (ANNUAL cover's new dialogue)
Patrick Zircher (KATO III cover repro); Tod Smith (ANNUAL cover repro); ? (Reject "stamp")
Patrick Zircher (KATO III cover repro); David Mowry (ANNUAL cover repro); ? (Reject "stamp")
Typeset (main text); ? (ANNUAL cover repro's new dialogue & its caption)
Subject Matter
Kato II; Green Hornet IV
Announcement that Mike Baron is writing a third Kato spin-off (two-issue) miniseries (fully-painted interiors attributed to Bob Bilau) with repro of the cover intended for #1, a foil-embossed rendering of a special line drawing by Patrick Zircher which is completely lost in the reproduction process used here (the series logo appears to be atop a black field, while the intent is viewable in a straight house ad for the comic on the inside back cover, opposite). There is "A cover for The Green Hornet that almost slipped by...," that of Annual #1 with dialogue balloons added for humorous effect and the word "Reject" seemingly "stamped" across it. Also included is the standard boxed list of NOW's staff.
Covers for KATO III and Green Hornet Annual #1, 1992
This feature appeared on the last interior page of most NOW titles for this month. KATO III was soon postponed, then re-announced as a graphic novel, with a more conventional cover design (and the interior art then attributed to ANTHONY Bilau), but was never released at all.

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