Fred Kromchick; Bernie Kalb; Clara Costello; Jim Costello; Jack Shore; Harry Wong; Norman Nickolowski; Sheila Cayton; Ralph Cayton; Nelson Green; Skinny James; Joe Varbelli; Philip Tager
Thirteen men and women form a club to debunk superstition, but one by one they meet violent deaths. They don’t die, however, because they challenge fate, but because they touched a poisoned gavel to smash a mirror with.
Jean Brewster; Carter Blake; Boris Wilder
Private investigator Carter Blake falls head over heels in love with Jean Brewster. Without knowing anything about her, he's willing to marry her. Checking old newspaper clippings, Blake finds out that his fiancée seems to possess witch-like powers. Three of her former husbands died after her "kiss of death."
Jon Garson; Morgan Wharton; Joke Harlowe; Matt Bruham; Alice; Jeremy Drake
Inventor Jon Garson's duplicator machine has an unexpected voodoo effect which Garson attempts to capitalize on by killing a romantic rival, but retribution still makes him pay for his crime.