Prime finds himself stranded in another dimensional New York and fights a gamma spawned monster created by Wildeman. When he tries to stop the mad doctor from abducting a young girl, the Hulk misunderstands and intervenes.
Hulk realizes that Wildeman is not the benign gamma scientist he believes so he stops beating on Prime and the two begin beating on Wildeman who promptly turns himself into a gamma monster.
Night Man finds himself in an alternate dimension and an altercation with carnival security guards leads him underground to the access tunnels. He meets Wolverine in the tunnels and the two beat on each other for awhile. Once they wear themselves out, Wolverine explains that they are actually in one of Arcade's Murderworlds and must traverse a number of perilous traps to escape.
Exiles [Juggernaut; Siena Blaze; Strike; Shuriken; Amber Hunt; Reaper]
The X-Men cross the dimensional barrier into the Ultraverse to try and find the missing Juggernaut, but once they find him and battle alongside the Exiles, they realize he does not want to leave.