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Issue: The Mighty World of Marvel #2
Publication Date: October 1972
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagMarvel UK
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Magazine Management London Ltd.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 40
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: £0.05 GBP
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 12 (3 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Pippa M. Melling
Disclose Notes: Most pages in this issue are tinted green; untinted pages are 7/8, 13/14, 27/28 and 33/34; however, these pages, while without the bright green inking of the rest of the comic, have an eerie very pale green hue overall.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: colour front and back covers; black and White with some colour interior
Dimensions: magazine size
Paper Stock: newsprint
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The Search for the Hulk!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Jim Starlin
Joe Sinnott
Subject Matter
Hulk; The Fantastic Four; Spider-Man
The Search for the Hulk

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Stan Lee
Jack Kirby
Paul Reinman
Subject Matter
The Incredible Hulk
The Hulk [Bruce Banner]; Rick Jones; General Thunderbolt Ross; Betty Ross; Igor (death); the Gargoyle (introduction)
Igor, the captured spy, secretly contacts his master, the malformed Soviet scientist known as the Gargoyle, and informs him of the Hulk's existence. At nightfall, Banner's worst fears are realised and he transforms again, only to be captured by the Gargoyle, and he and Rick are taken to Russia. Journeying east towards the rising sun, however, triggers the Hulk's change back to Banner. Dr Banner realises he can cure the Gargoyle's affliction, and in return the now-normal scientist gives Bruce and Rick their freedom. After they leave, the Gargoyle destroys his stronghold and seemingly himself.
References to "comrade", the "Iron Curtain" etc. are removed/rewritten throughout, in an attempt to eliminate the Cold War anti-Soviet tone. A fine example of this attempt is story page 23, final panel, where the Gargoyle addresses a portrait of (presumably) Nikita Khrushchev - in this reprint, the portrait is given a moustache and a nameplate is added above the picture, which can be partially read: "IG BROTHE".
This story covers pages 2-9 and 13-16 of the comic.
The Mighty World of Marvel Pin-Up Page!

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Stan Lee ? (see notes)
Jack Kirby
George Klein
Stan Goldberg
John Duffy ? (see notes)
Subject Matter
The Thing
A colour reprint of the pin-up from Fantastic Four #2, January 1962. Most of the text on the page is as the original, but some has been rewritten (writer and letterer unknown).
This covers page 10, within the Hulk story.
The Mighty World of Marvel Pin-Up Page!

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
? (see notes)
Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby ?
? (see notes)
? (see notes)
Subject Matter
The Incredible Hulk
A colour reprint of the cover of Incredible Hulk #1, May 1962. Only the art is reproduced; all cover text is removed and new text added (writer and letterer unknown). Also, the colouring has been redone throughout, the Hulk's grey skin being recoloured green for instance.
This covers page 11, within the Hulk story.
Football Shirts

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (photograph)
? (photograph)
Subject Matter
Three-quarters of page 12 of the comic (within the Hulk story) is taken up with this ad for football (i.e. soccer) (T-)shirts, an "amazing offer" from Inside Football and Striker, "Britain's great soccer newspaper": for 95p, the reader can acquire a T-shirt with the face and signature of one of 20 players (such as Kevin Keegan). The ad contains a photo of one of the shirts.
The final quarter of the page, bottom left, carries instructions on how to iron on this issue's "free Marvel T-shirt transfer", which this time is Spider-Man.
The Fantastic Four Meet the Mole Man!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Stan Lee
Jack Kirby
George Klein
George Klein; Christopher Rule ?; Sol Brodsky ? (alterations)
Subject Matter
The Fantastic Four
The Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards]; the Thing [Ben Grimm]; Invisible Girl [Sue Storm]; Human Torch [Johnny Storm]]; Mole Man [Moleman] (introduction); Monsters of Monster Isle
Atomic plants disappear all around the world. Reed Richards pinpoints a place which is at the same distance from them all: Monster Isle. Travelling there in their private jet, the team soon discover the island lives up to its name. A cave-in sends Reed and Johnny plummeting into the realm of the man behind the monsters and the plants' destruction: the Moleman, an embittered, half-blind refugee from the surface world. He reveals his plan to destroy that world to his captives, just before Ben and Sue stage a rescue; the FF escape, and the Moleman destroys the island, sealing himself below.
As well as small edits here and there, the part heading on story page 20 ("The Moleman's Secret!") has been omitted, although the panel itself remains untouched. Another interesting edit is the removal of Ben's bitter comments about Reed in panel 4 of story page 21.
This story covers pages 17-19, 22-24, 26-29 and 32-33 of the issue.
The World's Wildest Free Gift Offer!

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Mr Fantastic [Reed Richards]
This is a full-colour centrespread covering pages 20 and 21 (within the Fantastic Four story), in which Mr Fantastic [Reed Richards] explains again about the "Mighty Marvel mystery gift", whereby, once eight of the weekly coupons have been collected, they can be mailed in, for the free gift.
Contains Coupon no. 2.
Meanwhile, this week's clue to the nature of the gift is: "It's as colourful as a rainbow!"
Get These Star Gifts with Action Man

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (photographs)
? (photographs)
Subject Matter
Action Man
A full-page, B&W advertisement informing readers of the bonus items for Action Man [the UK version of the G.I. Joe "action figure"] that they can get by sending in the stars to be found on the front of most AM sets (10 stars = a guard dog [an unposeable solid plastic mastiff, called Brutus if memory serves] or AM vinyl record; 15 stars = a "real" AM tie; 18 stars = a Royal Canadian Mounted Police uniform; and 21 stars = an (unclothed) Action Man). For a limited period, for 2 stars, one of four Action Man books can be received (the coupon for which rounds off the page)! The ad is accompanied by photos of all the items mentioned.
This covers page 25 of the issue, within the Fantastic Four story.
The Mighty World of Marvel Pin-Up Page!

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Jack Kirby
George Klein
Subject Matter
This is a full-colour reprint of the cover of Fantastic Four #2, January 1962. As with other such pin-up pages, all the original cover text has been removed, and new text written (writer and letterer unknown). As in MWoM #1, the cover is presented here as a "sizzling scene from NEXT WEEK'S "Fantastic Four" thriller", as a teaser. The colouring has also been redone.
This covers page 30 of the issue, within the Fantastic Four story.

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
? (photographs)
? (photographs)
Page 31 of the issue (within the Fantastic Four story) contains four items: the top half of the page is an ad for the KeilKraft Silver Hurricane, a "control line version of the famous wartime fighter"; the bottom right quarter is another ad (see #1) for the stamp collectors' outfit from The Bridgnorth Stamp Company of Bridgnorth, Shropshire; while the bottom left quarter is divided into two - a four-question stamp quiz with a prize packet of 25 stamps for each correct answer sent in to the Universal Stamp Co. of Goole, Yorkshire, above a box pointing readers to the Action Man ad on page 25. Ah, the low-tech children's hobbies of the 1970s ...

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Stan Lee
Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko
Jon D'Agostino [as Johnny Dee]
Subject Matter
Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; J. Jonah Jameson (Introduction); The Burglar (Flashback); May Parker; Flash Thompson; Liz Allen; John Jameson (Introduction)
After thinking over his origin, Peter Parker contemplates using his powers to commit crimes, when he realises how impoverished his Aunt May has become without Ben. Deciding instead to return to his performing act to raise money, he soon discovers that keeping his identity secret is a major barrier to cashing checks. Meanwhile, publisher J. Jonah Jameson begins his campaign against the "public menace" of Spider-Man, presenting his test-pilot son John as a "real" hero. Jameson's editorials put paid to Spidey's TV career, leaving Peter frustrated at his inability to help out his aunt.
In an unusual editing oversight, the reference to "the Ant Man" in panel 6 of story page 5 is left intact here, despite that hero not being introduced yet into the Marvel UK universe.
This story covers pages 34-39 of the issue.
The Mighty World of Marvel Pin-Up Page!

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Steve Ditko
Subject Matter
This is a full colour pin-up of Spider-Man. It appears to be a modified form of Steve Ditko's unused cover for Amazing Fantasy #15.

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