Subject Matter
Li'l Abner; Mammy Yokum; Pappy Yokum; Daisy Mae; Salomey; Fantastic Brown; James Tobin (cameo); Aunt Bessie; Basil Bassoon; Lucretia Revel; "Pants" Mockby; "Rotten Joe" Rattigan; Young Eddie McSkonk; James Farley (cameo); Widder Wilecat; Gat Garson; detective; Adam Lazonga; gas station owner; Queenie; governor; Fruitful McGulp; Frightful McGulp; Marryin' Sam; Marryin' Dan; Charlie Chitlins; Clark Gable (cameo); Vivien Leigh (cameo)
First Line:
And if you cheap crooks ever try your rackets in this town again -- I won't bother to protect you from the tar-and-feathers mob!
Reprint Notes:
from Li'l Abner dailies (United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) 1939-12-18 - 1940-12-17.
Compilation of daily newspaper comic strips running from mid-December 1939 through December 17, 1940. Notable story arcs include: Dogpatchers mortgage their town; the Yokums go to Boston to pick oranges; Abner saves Aunt Bessie from an unsuitable suitor, then bankrupts her, then restores her fortune; Lucretia Revel tries to disfigure Daisy Mae; con men turn Daisy Mae into a hit radio singer, the Frail of the Lonesome Pine; Gat Garson tries to escape prison, disguised as Li'l Abner; Li'l Abner narrowly escapes marrying Widder Wilecat; Pappy Yokum helps save an innocent man; Adam Lazonga teaches Li'l Abner how to woo, Dogpatch Style; Abner escapes, in drag; Li'l Abner and Marryin' Sam both escape being caught on Sadie Hawkins Day. James Tobin was mayor of Boston; Jim Farley was postmaster general. Rotten Joe Rattigan is drawn to resemble comedian Robert Woolsey.